5 More Fun Halloween Crafts

Halloween is probably our favorite holiday. Shhh ... don't tell Thanksgiving or Christmas!! We love decorating the house, making crafts, watching Halloween movies, reading Halloween books, dressing up in costumes (to be honest we do this year-round), go to as many fall fests as we can find, and most fun of all ... throwing a party on Halloween. This year, with the girls being 2 and 4, I found crafts that they both would enjoy doing that were similar while still being age-appropriate. The first craft we did was a spider handprint craft. You will need: Orange construction paper Black paint Paintbrush or sponge Black marker Glue Googly eyes Instructions: Grab your construction paper Paint your child's hand black (but not the thumb!) ...
Let me start by saying that I am not a crafty person. When I was working, my kids would bring home all sorts of nifty crafts from daycare and I would think to myself that I could not imagine trying to do that with a three year old. Well. Fast forward a year and I'm now a stay-at-home mom (that's another post for another day) with three kids ages four and under. I like to go out and do things but right now, it's just hard to go do with a baby who nurses every two hours. So instead, I've been trying to fill some of our time with cheap and easy crafts. All of these I found on Pinterest...
Today we celebrate Earth Day! It is at least one day of the year that we spend more time focusing on taking care of this wonderful planet we live on. As a mother of 3 and former science teacher, I try and take full advantage of these type of days. Celebrating Earth Day with kids is not only easy, but so much fun! You know those sayings 'You can take the ____ out of the _____, but ____ will always be _____.' Well, the same goes for teachers. You can take us out of the school system, but there is always going to be that 'teacher' part of us that just has to teach. My kids have no choice in...

3 Easy Halloween Crafts

I was not always a huge fan of Halloween. Honestly, it wasn't until having kids that my love for Halloween grew. Now my house takes on a fun and spooky appearance starting early October with fake spider webs and those carved pumpkins that hopefully make it to Halloween night. Thank you Louisiana weather for those molded-to-soon crooked smiled pumpkins. Crafting on the other hand has always been on my list of favorites. I LOVE TO CRAFT. So when my love for Halloween grew, so did those fun Halloween craft ideas! I have 3 super easy and fun Halloween crafts that you can actually do without going to the store. Say what?! Yep, these 3 craft projects can literally been done...
I'm usually all for getting the kids outside but let’s be real … we live in South Louisiana and it is HOT. As much as I wish that we could have always have outdoor adventures, we’re all like, “Bring on the AC!” by this point in the summer. Here are some activities that can help you survive the long, hot days before school begins. Oobleck Warning: it is messy BUT it is so easy to clean up. Oobleck is, by far, my toddler’s favorite activity. I didn’t make up oobleck so Google away to find a lot of ideas for things to do with this mixture. Oobleck can be made in a big container using cornstarch and water. I usually don’t measure...

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