
Sarah Vorhies is a self-proclaimed foodie who has been married to her husband Justin for ten years. Sarah and Justin have two beautiful children, Lillian and Judah. Sarah stayed close to home and got her degree in English Education from Southeastern Louisiana University. She can honestly say she is never bored thanks to one of the most fun jobs ever - teaching 11th grade American Literature. She enjoys traveling, reading, finding new recipes on Pinterest, and spending quality time with her family.

First Day Jitters: Sending My Baby to Kindergarten During a Pandemic

It wasn't that long ago that I first found out I was pregnant with her. Not that long ago that the doctor told us, "You have to have this baby today." Not that long ago...

Dear Keyboard Warrior

An Open Letter to All the Keyboard Warriors of this World: There's not much to unite us these days. Everyone takes a side on any matter at hand and is convinced that their side is...

Making Our House More Like the Beach :: A Quarantine “Vacation” Day

For my older two kids' birthdays this year, we celebrated with them on their birthdays in January and February, but decided to forgo the parties in favor of taking them on a special trip....

It Took a Quarantine for Me to Embrace E-books

For as long as I can remember, I have been a reader. I remember my mom reading to my sister and I growing up - even long past the point that we could read...

A Whole Life in 100 Pictures or Less

On October 4, 2019, our family said goodbye to my dear grandmother. She was 89 years young and had lived a long and full life. But this post is not about her. Not really. You see,...