Editor's Note: This post is NOT sponsored by Hello Fresh. Neither Red Stick Moms Blog nor Cassie received any type of compensation for this article -- she simply wanted to share with you how much she loves the service for her family! Hey Mamas, Cassie here! Today I want to share (read: GUSH!) our love for Hello Fresh. Not only its convenience but how it truly has saved our dinner routine and kept us healthy and happy! I'll start with this: I am a mom to four boys -- four very active and involved little boys. I am also a wife to a husband who works a ton of hours. At some parts of the year we are scrambling to shuffle...
About four years ago a friend and I were discussing our childhood Christmas gifts, and I she challenged me to name 20 gifts I had received as a child. No problem! Or so I thought ... would you believe that I had a hard time getting past naming 10??!! As we discussed childhood and family memories, it became apparent to me that I could not remember many of the toys I had been given, but what I could remember were things we did together. I remember things like vacations, the family reunions, trips to the zoo, spending summers at the pool, or piling in a car to see all the Christmas lights in town ... MEMORIES became what I treasured. This change...
Remember when you were a kid and had to do some crafty, themed homework assignment? I vividly remember having to create a sock puppet for my kindergarten graduation ceremony and even a family crest in the fifth grade (both of which turned out terribly because evidently my hatred for crafting goes waaaay back). You know what I don't remember? My mom overseeing each step of the process, helping me make creative decisions, or even completely taking over the assignment for fear that my five-year-old, amateur craftsmanship might reflect poorly on her parenting in some way. Y'all. When did that become a thing? I get it, I do. Elementary schools seem to have a theme-based, cutesy-crafty activity pretty much every week. But...

Embracing the Family Costume

I love a good theme. From birthday parties to Halloween costumes, I love thinking about all the little details. Joel and I used to dress up even before we had an excuse a child. But after we had Judah, we became all about the family costume. That's right--kids AND parents taking the neighborhood in disguise. And I'm here to tell you that it's not as intimidating as it may seem. 1. Start asking your child what they want to be early. Before Judah could express which superhero he wanted to be, I took it upon myself to find an easy group costume that would require minimal effort. But for the last few Halloweens, I began asking him what he wanted...
Stay Cool This Summer Teacher Gift Tags May is bittersweet for me. I am excited about the lazy days of summer, but I always find myself teary-eyed saying goodbye to teachers who have loved on my babies all year long. Every year, I pick out a little something to thank them for a such a great year. This year, we decided on a beach towel and magazine. And you can't have a teacher gift without a cute tag to top it off! Hoping all our favorite teachers stay cool and have a relaxing summer by the pool. I designed the 3 inch tags with a watercolor background and a few of my favorite fonts. You can download the file using the link...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...