The holiday season is officially among us. And with it comes lots of traveling.  This week, we’ll be featuring posts all about making traveling with our kiddos safe and bearable, maybe even fun! I joined the Baton Rouge Carseat Safety Facebook group late last year when my son needed a new car seat. A friend of mine recommended it to me and suggested that I post a question of what kind of car seat to buy and give my son's height, weight, budget, type of car, and if anyone else rides in the back with him. Within minutes, I had a couple great recommendations from the group's owner and child passenger safety technician, Amy Waters. I took the information and ran with it...
The holiday season is officially among us. And with it comes lots of traveling.  This week, we'll be featuring posts all about making traveling with our kiddos safe and bearable, maybe even fun! I know that we have all been there: you get in the car, back out of the driveway, and immediately your kids start fighting, or whining, or screaming for something that dropped on the floor.  For my kids, it's that they always want to watch a movie.  And I'm all for the convenience that comes with DVD players in vehicles, but I really try to use that for long-distance driving only.  In my opinion, my kids watch enough TV as it is.  Furthermore, when I was a...

Our New Normal

Childbirth and change. The two words go hand in hand, do they not? The moment you get pregnant, people start reminding you that "everything's about to change". Some are kind enough to add "for the better" on the end of the popular phrase. And you know it's true, it has to be - you're literally about to add an entire new person into your life and home and routine. There are the obvious things {your nights, your time}, but when we brought our little bundle of joy home, the age old adage that so many had repeated to me while I was growing her was abundantly true. Everything had changed. My usually very clean and neat house can become a...
There are so many things I wish I had known about motherhood before I had children, but I guess it's just true that you can never fully grasp it all until you are there. If there was one thing I wasn't prepared for, it was everything my kids would teach me about myself. Not just how many hours I can go without sleep, how "hangry" I can get, and the absolute longest I can go while listening to a screeching toddler from the confines of a carseat before wanting to pull all of my hair out, but who I am. Like, who I really really am on my deepest level. It started more when my daughter was born, seeing it all...

Supporting Your Spouse

I’m sure most of us have heard the bible verse from Ephesians 5:24.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. I had never given the verse much thought. I know some people take offense to the “submitting” part, but I always just assumed it was an old, obsolete teaching and ignored it. Recently, however, it was explained to me in a way that converted this old teaching into modern understanding. I was told that rather than seeing 'submitting' as a negative requiring that I make myself a servant of my husband, to see it as a positive to help him rise to his role as the man of the household. Overall,...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...