Family Life In Baton Rouge

family life in Baton Rouge

In an ideal world, parenting through all ages and stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario for family life in Baton Rouge and a detailed handbook to read. However, at Red Stick Mom we know that is simply not reality; every child and family is extremely different and has varying needs. The good news is that Red Stick Mom is here to help Baton Rouge moms and dads navigate family life in Baton Rouge. We have writers with diverse backgrounds, family structures and perspectives. Our team of over 25 contributing writers offer advice and thoughts on what it’s like to raise kids in Baton Rouge no matter what age and stage they are in.

Over the years we have learned that what parents need most to navigate family life in Baton Rouge is support. Parents need to know that they are not alone and that there are resources for every Baton Rouge family no matter their scenario. Whether your family is looking for childcare in Baton Rouge (please see our Guide to Childcare and Preschools), to connect with other homeschooling families in Baton Rouge or on a quest to find the best snowball in Baton Rouge, Red Stick Mom has you covered. 

Whatever you need to navigate with regards to family life in Baton Rouge, we are here to help your family. If you’re looking for the best outdoor dining in Baton Rouge with kids, we’ve got that! Swim lessons in Baton Rouge? We know about those, too. Let us help you navigate those ages and stages in Baton Rouge with ease. 

     Mindfulness. I admit, at first hearing, it can sound an awful lot like a therapy buzzword. You might have read about it or maybe seen something pinned, complete with the picture of a woman sitting cross-legged on the beach, perfectly fit, beautiful and at peace. Don’t feel bad. I’ve been tempted to roll my eyes, too. And as much as you know you need some peace and calming in your world, you keep on scrolling because well, ain’t nobody got time for voodoo. But hear me out on this. Even though you are busy and even if you aren’t always good at taking care of yourself first, there’s one thing I would bet about you if you’re reading this. And...

To My Child With ADHD

My Darling, I know you try. I see your frustration when you are trying and can’t get it right. I know your grades aren’t a perfect reflection of how smart you are. You are so very smart. In fact, your imagination and knowledge about certain subjects astounds me. The facts that you tell me and the wisdom on certain things that you share with me blows my mind. I know you try to sit still, but I know that sitting still is impossible. So I am ok with you wiggling in your chair and running. I know that it makes your mind happy. I know that you want to sit still when we are in certain settings, and I know you...
"When we get to Heaven, will you walk me to see Jesus?" This question that my 4-year-old asked me after our nightly prayer immediately triggered tears in my eyes. To me, there is nothing more intimidating as a parent than talking to your children about faith, Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit. Coming from someone who grew up in church, this may surprise you. But for some reason, I feel a certain pressure to get it "right" because it's been such a huge part of my life since I can remember. And if I'm being honest, I've had to somewhat undo the perspective I had as a kid or teenager (legalism, behavior modification, etc.), so I do worry about "messing up." To...
I don't know why, but lately I've been thinking a lot about my own mortality. I think about all of the things I wouldn't be able to tell my daughter and the experiences I would miss. I could write them all down, and I probably will. But most of them she may be too young to understand. I'll need her dad to show her and teach her those things as she grows up. It's safe to say that between the two of us, I'm more intentional about how I parent (read: I overthink everything). He's much more likely to go with the flow. So this list is for him.  Remember that she's A LOT like her mother: stubborn, bossy,...
I was four years old hiding in my mom's closet, covering my ears from the relentless yelling and pounding. My older sister holding me tight singing "Jesus Loves Me" into my ear so I wouldn't hear the horrific sounds coming from our living room. The sounds of our father beating our mother as she pleaded for her life. Despite my sister's best efforts I heard it all, I remember it all, and when I close my eyes now I can place my 30-something year old self back into that little four-year-old body. My childhood was stolen from me due to witnessing domestic violence on a regular basis. My father was an alcoholic. And when he drank he abused my mother. They married young then had my sister...

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