Go On and Grow

"Slow down time!" I see posts like this accompanying pictures of my friends' growing children flooding my timeline daily. I think there is an unwritten rule that we should all wish our kids to stay little. But as someone who seems to always be breaking every rule of parenting, I have decided that I'm just fine leaving time to do its thing. Little babies just aren't really my jam (except when they are sleeping, because who can resist a sweet sleeping baby?). My baby is now a preschooler. And with each passing year, I love being that little gal's mom even more. The baby days weren't too kind on me. My terrible sleeper and post-partum depression still haunt me. Being the mom...
Have you ever heard someone say, "I can't wait until..." Usually, that's followed by something like, "... our beach vacation!" or "... the kids go to bed." And those are both GREAT things to be classically impatient about. In fact, they're both super-awesome and I wouldn't begrudge anyone for wishing the time to fly by so they can put their toes in the ocean or put away a few cookies. Alone. On the sofa. This isn't the kind of impatience that hurts us. It doesn't rob us of an experience or wish away a memory - it's anticipatory. We're still living our lives and making memories or in-the-moment while we're waiting to get to build that sand castle. This gentle warning...

Dear Younger Me

Recently my son, Micah, and I were heading home from camp when the song “Dear Younger Me” by Mercy Me came on. If you haven’t heard the song, it is a great one! Micah (11) quickly piped up and said “I don’t get this song, why would you want to tell your younger self stuff?” I responded,“There are things that as you get older you realize may not have been the smartest move to make.” Micah replied,“But if you didn’t do all the WRONG things wouldn’t you have missed out on some of the best things in life?” As I thought about that statement made by my way too mature 11-year-old, I realized that he may be right about that for...
Help me out, y'all! This is a topic that I would really love to get some feedback on because it's been bothering me a lot. So, here's the deal. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids 2 and older have no more than 1 to 2 hours of screen time every day. That means TV, tablets and computers. And let me tell you, I try really, really hard to stick to that recommendation. On the days that we go over two hours, I feel like a terrible mom. Like, really, really crummy. But lately, I've been wondering, "Am I too strict about screen time?" Because when I think about it, I realize that I watched a LOT of TV when I was growing...
Not too long ago, when my first was only 6 months old, I started planning. I pinned my heart out - homemade cake toppers, colorful paper straws, cute themed banner including photos - and the list of things on "Salem's 1st Birthday" board went on and on. She had the cutest woodland animal/floral tea party theme ever! Here we are less than a month from my son's first birthday. Since finding out the gender during pregnancy, the Star Wars theme was pretty much a given (let's be honest, probably for all future birthdays). So I take no credit for even being prepared in that aspect. I have had a few ideas and haven't acted on any of them yet. I only just purchased some clip art on...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...