Health + Wellness

health + wellness in Baton RougeAsk any Baton Rouge mom what she wants for her children, and health + wellness will be one of her first responses. Whether it’s the mental health of her teenagers, how much screen time to allow her toddlers or struggling with breastfeeding, moms simply want the best outcome for their children’s overall health.

Red Stick Mom provides local families with the latest resources, perspectives and expert advice about the important choices affecting the health + wellness of your Baton Rouge family.

Parents already have a lot of decisions to make! Finding consistent and reliable resources for raising a family in Baton Rouge shouldn’t be overwhelming, especially when it comes to the family’s health + wellness. There are so many issues to consider for kids these days, from children’s mental well-being to food dyes and whether those matter to vaccines and when to get them. And that’s not even taking mom and dad’s health into account!

Enduring a long NICU stay? We’ve been there. Looking for a great urgent care for children in Baton Rouge? Red Stick Mom has suggestions. We’ve talked about taking mental health days for kids, how to battle pesky molluscum, and arthritis in children. These are just a few of the health + wellness questions we’ve addressed on Red Stick Mom over the nine years we’ve served the community.

We’ve covered many different aspects of health + wellness over the years, from a scary breast cancer diagnosis to the benefit of chiropractic care during pregnancy to miscarriages and pregnancy loss. Whether we’re discussing birth or adolescence, Red Stick Mom strives to provide relevant health + wellness content for Baton Rouge families in a timely fashion. Best of all, every resource on Red Stick Mom is free to readers.

With the help of more than 25 Baton Rouge moms, Red Stick Mom makes it easy to locate important and accurate health + wellness information for busy families.

This morning we had an appointment with our pediatrician. The baby (well, still a baby to me) was due for her 2-year well-visit, while the 5 year-old needed his ears re-checked for what feels like the 500th time. None of this by itself is particularly exciting, but what happened within the four walls of the exam room made my day. Like many of our friends, and like many of you, we use anatomically correct words in our home on purpose AND by design. From the time our kids can talk, we use the words "penis" and "vagina" to describe those body parts. I will admit that it took my husband some getting used to, and he did push back a...

Self Care in Crisis

We are all moms here, generally speaking, and we all probably laugh out loud at the thought of self-care. I know my idea of self-care is using my regular sitter at least one Thursday a month so I can enjoy a $4 margarita with college friends at Zippy’s. There are no massages; very rarely is there “me time” and I’m sure I’m not the only one still hoping to lose two-year- old baby weight … but when is a single mom supposed to work out?! Where and when and how does self-care happen? Well, about a month ago I decided to join a gym and shoot for a weight loss challenge. I was making time for ME to get healthy...
Do you ever watch those prescription drug commercials, and listen all the way to the end, only to hear the announcer speak at auction-house-speed about all the terrible side effects the medicine could cause? I know you have. My favorite is when they say, “and death.” Death, no thank you! You get the point.  The disaster that keeps on giving… Once the water began to recede you think to yourself, the hard work of rebuilding has to begin and that will be the worst of it. I don’t think anyone prepares for the side effects of such a traumatic experience. Even if you expected to have some struggles, most people have no clue what to expect. I know I never dreamed I...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital of New Orleans. Helping Children Cope After the Flood As the waters begin to recede and the great cleanup begins, the hard emotional work is also beginning for parents and children of south Louisiana. It can be understandably difficult for parents to maintain a sense of normalcy when life is now so different. How a child reacts depends on the level of stress they’ve experienced (having their home flood vs. hearing about the flood), and they will take their cues from adults as to how to cope. Parents should understand that feelings of sadness, difficulty sleeping, physical aggression, emotional outbursts, regression to “babyish” behaviors and increased distractibility can all be signs of...
It's Just Stuff, but It's Okay to Cry Baton Rouge is starting to get back into our homes to assess damage, salvage anything still usable, and begin to gut and clean. Pictures of rooms with shifted and toppled furniture and soggy sheet rock are starting to fill my personal Facebook newsfeed. Captions to these pictures are mostly some version of "It's just stuff, we're okay, we're together, we're thankful." Yes, it's just stuff, and most stuff can be replaced, but so much of it has value far beyond what money can buy. Our homes are more than dwelling places. We arrange and decorate and build to reflect who we are and what we value. Our homes are where we bring our...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

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