It was the early 1950s. She was young and had only been married for a few years. This Christmas ... this Christmas was something to look forward to. No one was going to be deployed overseas; there was a little extra money in the budget. Yes, this Christmas was going to be nice. This Christmas called for new ornaments and decorations on the tree.
At her next trip to the drugstore, she walked slowly down the aisle of Christmas decorations, choosing carefully what would adorn her tree and bring the Christmas spirit to their small home. She finally chose a variety of ornaments, of all different colors and shapes. These. These would look beautiful with colored lights, white lights, or...
The holiday season is upon us and I don’t know about you, but I get overwhelmed with getting so much done in such a short amount of time. I know, I know ... I have all year to prepare but I’m apparently a procrastinator. Thankfully, we have a very small family but there are so many holiday / Christmassy things I want to do and I only have so many days to do it.
So if you’re anything like me and need to unwind and do some de-stressing, here are a few of my go to’s that I love to do during the holiday season.
Hot Cocoa and a Christmas movie
My favorite hot chocolate is Ghirardelli and I add crushed peppermint...
I've lived in Baton Rouge my entire life and have somehow managed not to make it to Celebration in the Oaks until this year. While I am positive I would have enjoyed it in years past because I love Christmas, it really was something special with little ones. Here's why you should make the trip to NOLA for this event:
It's fun for the whole family.
I can say this with confidence after going this past weekend and seeing people of all ages laughing and having a good time. Grandmas and Grandpas tagged along with the kiddos, and I even saw several teenagers there for a date night. If you aren't familiar with the area, this is set up in New Orleans City Park, near...
The Christmas season is finally upon us! The tree is decorated, the stockings are hung, and the online forums debating pro-Santa vs. anti-Santa are raging. Wait, what?
Nothing gets my coals burning more than the age-old debate of Papa Noel. But it's not for the reason you may think. I believe this debate can be the quickest way to distract us from the true significance of this season and diminish the Christmas spirit. Why do you have to choose?
Can’t they all get along?
When I think of Santa and the little Elf on the shelf, I don’t treat them like they are taking away the meaning of Christmas or something else I have to remember to do. I use them as...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Paris Parker.
Stress-free holiday gifting for all the ladies in your life at Paris Parker
Holiday shopping expectations: you finish your list in mid-November, with creative and thoughtful gifts for everyone, avoid all the lines, and spend December drinking spiked eggnog and watching holiday movies.
Holiday shopping reality: it’s mid-December and you’ve barely started your list, the thought of sitting in holiday traffic makes you want to scream, you feel like you missed all the good deals, and you’re considering gifting everyone a scarf and calling it a year (spiked eggnog still in the plan).
That’s where Paris Parker comes in. Take a deep breath. We’ve got your back with special offers, products and experiences that...