
Living in Baton Rouge, it’s no surprise that our community knows how to celebrate! From the excitement of New Year’s to the patriotic pride of Independence Day, and the magic of Christmas, the holidays are a time for our city to shine.

Red Stick Mom is your go-to resource for all things holidays in Baton Rouge. From festive parades to family-friendly activities, we’ve got everything you need to make the season unforgettable!

Our guides and blog posts have everything a Baton Rouge mom needs to celebrate in style. Explore our guide to Easter egg hunts and fun truck or treat ideas to our  Ultimate Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping Guide , and tips for making Mardi Gras wagons for kids.

From neighborhood light displays and spectacular holiday lights festival to our holiday events guide Red Stick Mom is the ultimate Christmas resource for moms in Baton Rouge. Discover guides, blog posts, and event calendar to help you fully enjoy the holiday season.

If it’s a holiday in Baton Rouge, you can count on fun for the whole family. Whether you’re planning for St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, looking for the best spot to catch Fourth of July fireworks, or ringing in the New Year, Red Stick Mom has you covered.

Discover all the tips, ideas, news, and reviews you need to make every holiday and season unforgettable with Red Stick Mom. It’s your go-to resource for helping moms create the perfect celebrations!

It's that time of year again. Moms everywhere are driving themselves crazy trying to create the perfect gifts, the perfect family photo, the perfect holiday party. I'm here to tell you: it's okay (even desirable!) to be imperfect. By keeping things simple and low-key this holiday season, you can save yourself so much stress and create opportunities to connect with friends, family, and community. Here are some ideas for simplifying your season: Consider giving gifts of service rather than material things. For example, you can plan dates, offer to lend a skill, or give a bottle of wine with the condition that you enjoy it together. If you just can't give up giving real, tangible gifts (I can't) focus on quality over...
Several years ago I heard an opinion piece on the radio during the holiday season that bugged me. The premise was that sending out Christmas cards diminishes the spirit of the season. Particularly Christmas cards. A card with a photo of your tanned family at the beach last summer? No, thank you. A Christmas greeting with lovey doveys from newlyweds slathered on for all to see? Lord, help us. And End Scene from Ebenezer. Enter this Mama, stage right, envelopes in hand. Although I admit I always think of this story I heard so many years ago during this season (good job, Mr. Newsman who hates fun), I do not agree. Like at all. I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS.CARDS! Call it an obsession....
Around Christmas time, I know there are many moms who think, “I want my children to learn that Christmas is a time for giving and helping others (not just getting presents!); however, I know my house is about to be bombarded with new toys!” One answer to this discord is to make a tradition of donating some of your child’s gently used toys a few weeks before the holidays. This helps children participate in and be a big part of the act of giving, as well as make room for the influx of new toys that is inevitable in many homes each Christmas. The process of donating toys may look very different depending on the age(s) of your children,...

Homemade for the Holidays

I REALLY love to craft. However, as a homeschooling single mom to 3 kids I have very little time. (Don't we all?) This year, I have hatched a plan to get my 5, 4, and 2 year olds into the crafting spirit! Plus, who doesn't have wonderful memories of those homemade ornaments you made when you were that age? I'm pretty sure my mom still has some popsicle stick angels in a box. This year I want to spend the holidays with my kids in the moment. Last year was my first Christmas as a single mom, and I did not even put up a tree; but this year is going to be a wonderful homemade Christmas packed with memories! Pinterest it up! We...
This Saturday, December 7th from 12 Noon to 3PM, the Mall of Louisiana will be bringing "Reindeer Games" to life!  Join us at the Mall of Louisiana for a holly jolly afternoon of Free Family Fun! Kids ages 2 - 10 are invited to take part in holiday-themed, family friendly activities including make-and-take crafts, games, prizes, face-painting, music and dancing! It's a first-time event for the Mall of Louisiana, and we've got a behind-the-scenes look at what to expect. Kids can create their own snowflake photo-frame magnets, as well as color and wear their own Rudolph® antler ears.  They'll play a game called "Reindeer Flight School" where Rudolph® and friends will soar through the air and aim for "targeted" locations.  The first...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...