Do you ever watch those prescription drug commercials, and listen all the way to the end, only to hear the announcer speak at auction-house-speed about all the terrible side effects the medicine could cause? I know you have. My favorite is when they say, “and death.” Death, no thank you! You get the point.  The disaster that keeps on giving… Once the water began to recede you think to yourself, the hard work of rebuilding has to begin and that will be the worst of it. I don’t think anyone prepares for the side effects of such a traumatic experience. Even if you expected to have some struggles, most people have no clue what to expect. I know I never dreamed I...
In the past two weeks, our community has suffered immense tragedy. So many families have lost a lifetime of memories and are now struggling to return to normalcy. As the waters receded, and even still now, the demand for basic human necessities (food, water, shelter, clothing) have been high. My family has been immensely blessed as our home was not directly impacted by the flooding. As we watched in horror as surrounding communities were submerged in destructive flood waters, we counted our blessings and immediately began searching for ways to give back and help others who were in need. As a parent, I couldn't even fathom evacuating (many by boat) with small children, let alone, attempting to explain the...
Yep. We flooded, too. I jokingly called that pic above our "floodie." It's our street, after we hiked it to our house to assess the damage. We're smiling because we're together - and WHAT ELSE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!? I'm writing from my in-law's kitchen table after everyone is asleep. This is the ninth night away from my house and we haven't reached a new normal yet. My children aren't in their own beds and I'm headed for the pull-out sofa to join my husband after I finish this, but I'm SO thankful for a place where everyone is safe. I'll go to work again in the morning (first day back was yesterday) and come home to my husband...
We all have come to know the distinct hashtag #CajunNavy. They were the brave men going to great lengths and measures, putting their own lives at risk, to rescue the thousands of people trapped in their homes last week. We thank and applaud them and will continue to do so. We've also see another appropriate hashtag pop up recently (#CajunArmy) highlighting all the boots on the ground, helping strangers and families gut their homes and not thinking twice about it. What we haven't seen much of are the women staying behind the scene washing clothes and dishes, connecting people across parish lines, or taking in people's children so those affected can work on their houses. So we wanted to...
We have all heard the statistics and numbers by now. We are aware that there are +20,000 displaced from their homes, mass devastation, and so very many losses. As the cleanup starts and folks start to begin the process of putting their lives back together, there are many practical issues that crop up. For example, how does an individual or family handle the large financial burden of living elsewhere while restoring their home? We are honored to have Tracy West, a wholesale mortgage broker with over 18 years of experience, share her top tips for flood victims who are seeking some relief from their mortgage during this time of rebuilding. Tips for Handling Your Mortgage in a Flood or Disaster During National Disasters,...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...