What follows is a post by my friend and fellow mom, Kimberly Tatum. In observance of World Clubfoot Day, she recounts her experience when she and her husband realized their baby would be born with clubfoot and the subsequent treatment that would follow. On a personal note, her calming smile helped to keep me sane (and a little less scared) throughout the deliveries for both of my children. I don't know how I would have handled those experiences without her, and I'm glad I'll never have to know. I'm so lucky to call this great mother my friend. ---Kristen   June 3rd is World Clubfoot Day. Clubfoot affects approximately 1 in every 750 births and is twice as common in males as...
If stories of adoption and fostering children in Baton Rouge are of interest, there are several wonderful pieces on the website including stories of adoption (here and here), advice on what not to ask an adoptee, and a real life glimpse about what it is like to foster children in Louisiana.  Fighting to Get My Kids Back: Ashley's Story I wanted to take the opportunity to share the story of a wonderfully warm and caring Baton Rouge mom. Her name is Ashley, and several years ago, her children were removed from her care and placed in state custody. She refused to give up on her family and fought to get her kids back. Here is her story, as told by Ashley... At the time, I had...
  Being adopted as an infant, I never knew anything else. My childhood was as good as it gets, and I was loved and cared for from the moment I came home. Everyone I knew was aware that I was adopted, but as I got older, new people would make comments, and acquaintances would ask questions. I've had several hilarious conversations, and also some awkward ones, because people simply don't know what to say or how to approach the conversation if they have questions. Here's a sample of what I hear, and some help in navigating a conversation with a family choosing adoption or foster care. 1. Do your parents have any "real" children?  (or actual, legitimate, normal...) If they're real, does...
Firearms are always a controversial topic, but today I am giving you this mama’s viewpoint on guns. I grew up with the men in my family as avid hunters. Wait…that’s not true. ALL of the family was involved in hunting game. I ventured out on my first squirrel hunt when I was about 8 or 9 years old, and my first deer hunt was not long after. I was not allowed to hold a gun at that age, but I knew a lot about them. My dad drove a truck with gun racks on the back window, there was a “gun safe” in our house and my mom kept a handgun under the seat of her car. We were well...
This Mother's Day, be brave and show yourself. Make it about you. You know…the Mother. Do not hide behind your children, do not step out of the limelight. Instead, gather them close, hold them tightly and smile big and boldly for the camera. This day's images, this day's recorded memories, should not be just of your children. Yes, they are indeed what make you a mother and you wouldn't be a mother without them. But every other day of the year is about them. About feeding them, teaching them, cheering for them, loving them fiercely. As a photographer I get Mother's Day session requests...for children. Nine times out of ten the mom will refuse to be in the session. When I gently nudge...

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Wearin’ of the Green :: Baton Rouge Goes Wild {and Green!}

Wearin' of the Green :: Baton Rouge Goes Wild {and Green!} Every March, Baton Rouge flips a switch. Suddenly, the streets aren't just streets anymore—they're...