
Christie is a stay-at-home mom to 3 gorgeous kiddos, Logan (7), Audrey (5), and Brianna (3). She was born and raised in Baton Rouge and finished her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at LSU. She married her handsome hubby in 2006 and started a family in Saint Francisville, LA. Christie started blogging when she had a traumatic life experience in 2011. She lost a twin baby girl and began to heal by telling her story at Homeschooling, photography ( and volunteering are this mommy’s passion and she is ready to share with other moms in her community.

Musings on Beauty Part 2

van.i.ty noun excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements the quality of being worthless or futile My conversation with a local professional photographer: Me - “I can’t believe women aren’t knocking down your door to...

Volunteeritis {It’s a Real Thing}

All I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a mom. My mom stayed at home with us until I was in the 4th grade. I wanted to be just like her....

I am a Warrior!

Hello, heart patient. What are you doing in a Warrior Dash?! Has your cardiologist given you clearance for a 5K?!? Yes!! (That's me in the front.) It’s been almost four years since my aortic dissection,...

End of Summer Staycation or Bust!

We are in a very long process of remodeling our house, so sticking to our budget is very important. A Disney vacation with the kids was not in the budget. Even a weekend trip...

For Goodness Sakes…GO OUTSIDE!

Computer screens, Netflix, iPads and iPhones. It’s all too much! It’s too much for an adult, much less a small child. One day, I suggested the kids go outside to play and I was met...