We all know it, we all hate it, the dreaded "Mommy Brain!" You know that crazy sense of chaos that makes moms feel like they are loosing control of everything in their lives.
We have all had days where "Mommy Brain" takes over and whether it's forgetting where you parked the car, dropping your kids off for school late (AGAIN), or forgetting to set the timer on the oven and burning dinner the mommy brain monster can make any bad day worse and make you feel pretty inadequate.
In my day job as a Speech Therapist, I work to aid patients who have experienced neurological injuries or illness to strengthen, re-develop and overcompensate for cognitive deficits. I provide my patients with...
April is Autism Awareness Month and, if I am being completely honest, a few years ago I probably felt like it was just another month of the year that we bring attention to some cause or issue that everyone already knows about. The reality is- lots of people have heard of autism, but very few people actually understand autism. Autism wasn't really on my radar for most of my life. I had heard about autism, but my understanding of it was as limited as having seen the movie Rain Man. Yikes. And then our son was diagnosed with autism and my need to engage with the autism world changed.
We adopted our son in March 2014. He had been in our care...
Have you ever considered fostering a child in Louisiana? My family receives tons of questions about our experience, so below I answer the most commonly asked questions and debunk some myths.
Fostering a Child in Louisiana
Our family is in the final stages of the foster care certification process; and we are eagerly awaiting sweet little bodies to fill newly purchased toddler beds. Our almost two year old can't wait for her "shishters" to come; Dad is still pulling for a boy! We have gathered clothes for boys and girls of all sizes, and are trying to prepare our little one for the transition from only child to oldest, or youngest...or even middle! I was adopted as an infant, and have...
We had a good run at it, breastfeeding and I. We got 4 good months out of the gig. Well, 3 if we’re being honest, because that last month was hell. I always thought I’d at least make it to the 6 month mark - because how hard can it be? When I was pregnant and people would ask if I was planning on breastfeeding, I would answer with a resounding “Yes!” My “plan” was to get to 6 months and reevaluate, see how I felt, and keep going forward. I only registered for like 4 bottles, for crying out loud.
And we started so strong, that’s the crazy thing. When other moms would check in on me those first...
What eye candy we have for you today in this month's Heart & Home tour! Local mom of two, coaches wife, and teacher, Kristen Cascio, is opening her home today and giving us a peek inside. She has thoughtfully created this home from the ground up, with each detail planned out, and you won't believe how simple she makes it seem. Not only that, but this busy mom has managed to maintain a beautiful space, raise happy girls, keep everyone on schedule, teach preschoolers, and cheer for her husband's team all in a day's work. I know you will enjoy this lovely home and the incredible mom behind it!
Q: Tell us a little about yourself and your beautiful family.