Disclaimer: This is a guest post from Dr. Leanne Redman, associate professor of women’s health studies at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. You can get to know her more here and read her first post here. Her facts and opinions are based on her personal research. Red Stick Moms Blog was not paid to promote any specific medical viewpoints or studies. Always consult your physician with any medical questions. With technology at our fingertips, 21st century moms have evolved to be savvy readers on health and wellness topics important to their own health and the health of their family. Lucky for us that with the development of the internet, many important health and medical organizations developed educational and research materials that are...
Sleeping through the night...Ahh, the holy grail of those first few months with your baby: he’s adorable, she’s the love of your life, you can’t remember life before her, and WHEN WILL HE STOP WAKING YOU UP AT 3 A.M.? When we brought William home, he was a very small baby who desperately needed to gain weight. I was so concerned about him that I was happy to feed him every two hours. I’m pretty sure that pure adrenaline kept me going during those first few weeks. I rarely slept more than about 2 hours at a time. I am breastfeeding and felt like I didn’t have time to pump and let my husband take a turn. Also, for some...
In my last post, I talked a little bit on how we can't compare our lives with those of images on Instagram (or any social media outlet) because what we're seeing isn't total reality.  Its hard to be inundated with daily glimpses of sleeping babies, craftastic toddlers, organic meals, or spotless houses and not think, "What am I doing wrong?" I’m definitely not saying that we shouldn't capture and post those adorable pictures or sweet moments that happen.  Not at all!  Because that IS real life as well–and I love seeing them! I just know that I personally have started to think more of how to balance what I am portraying through my feed by asking myself the following questions: ...
Do you know how to perform CPR on your infant or child? You should! If something went wrong, the time between when you dialed 911 and when EMS arrives is a critical window. Those three to five minutes are the difference between life and death. Bystander CPR can double and even triple a victim’s chance for survival. That is why Red Stick Moms Blog, The American Heart Association, Ochsner Health System and Bayou Time Sitters are ready to help you learn those lifesaving skills. Join us for Coffee, Conversations & CPR Class on Monday, June 2 as we celebrate National CPR Awareness Week. This “mom friendly” class will teach infant and child CPR and provide free childcare (to a limited number of...
I have such a treat for you with this month's Heart & Home post.  Bethany Riggs is artist-turned-mother of two, who truly uses her home as one giant canvas.  You will be blown away by her use of color and textures, her skillful DIY trickery, and her elements of kid-friendly decor all throughout her home.  What's even more special, is getting to know this mom.  She will give you a good laugh but also knows how to seriously talk about decorating your home. I know you will love this interview and this gorgeous Baton Rouge home. Enjoy! Q: Tell us a little about you and the family who lives here. I'm a stay-at-home mom with a B.F.A. in Fine Art, with...

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