You’re Gonna Miss This
I still follow all the breastfeeding support groups and pages I utilized while nursing. Day after day I see moms asking for advice, for recommendations, for simple acknowledgement that they’re doing the right thing. From time to time I comment, hoping to help.
I’ve been out of the breastfeeding game for 2 years now and I still miss it very often.
I miss the bond with my children. I miss the milk drunk smiles and their little hands rubbing my face while they happily nursed. I look back on that time with so much fondness. I’ve breastfed 3 out of my 4 children. My daughter nursed for three and a half years, my two youngest sons each nursed...
Pulse Check Survey :: Where Are You On Meeting Your 2024 Goals?
We are officially nearing completion of the first two months of the new year. Some decided to forego the new year’s goals and resolutions to lower self-inflicted pressures, which can certainly be beneficial for some life seasons. Others have risen to the challenge of defining ambitious objectives for the new year. For the moms who are determined to set goals, like myself, here’s a simple pulse-check to help identify if you are on track.
At the beginning of this year, we learned how to set goals for 2024 and keep them. Helpful tips of creating specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, also known as SMART goals,...
A Tribute To The Work Bestie
Ever since I was the ripe, old age of 15 I have been a “working girl.” I have always reveled in the idea of making my very own money and the feeling of independence that it offers. I have been employed in many factions and various types of work but one thing that all of these occupations have in common is that each one provided me with a friend that I especially enjoyed working alongside.
That one person that you looked forward to surviving a shift with, that made it fun, and allowed lasting memories to live with you.
In the past I have picked up weights and wiped down gym equipment with my buddy Adam...
February Is CHD Awareness Month :: Know The Signs
February is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Month.
Here are some statistics:
- There are 40 types of congenital heart defects.
- 40,000 babies are born in the USA with CHD every year, that equates to 1 in 100 children. One child every 15 minutes will receive a diagnosis.
- Around 25% of children who have CHD will need heart surgery or other types of interventions to survive.
- CHD is a leading cause of death in infants and children, twice as many children will die from CHD as they will from all forms of childhood cancer combined. Yet childhood cancer research funding is five times higher than CHD research funding
- Baton Rouge does NOT have a...
Camp Bon Coeur :: An Oasis For Heart Warriors
Having children with medical needs affects you. There's always so many questions to be asked, decisions to be made. What if my child doesn't progress like other kids? What if something happens? What does their future look like? You also start questioning whether or not they’ll get to have the normal experiences of childhood most people take for granted. Summer camp is one of those experiences.
Let’s backtrack a little. I have two children with heart conditions. My daughter is 9, and my son is 4. She was diagnosed as an infant and he was diagnosed in utero. They’ve both undergone surgery to alleviate their conditions and improve their lives. While those...