New Beginnings
After being at home for years, I’m officially back at work. The transition from SAHM to Working Mom isn’t the smoothest. I have mixed emotions. I wish I could firmly say I have a definite opinion on it but that would certainly depend on when and where I am during the day.
First, I have massive amounts of guilt.
Oh my mommy heart hurts for my babies. I miss my kids more than anything I’ve ever missed in my life. I wonder what they’re doing at school. Are they happy? Do they feel safe? Are they being loved? It's hard for me. When I leave to go to work and I have to say goodbye to my littles, I...
Is Everyone's Life This Chaotic?
Let me start by saying that I truly love my children. I have been blessed beyond what I deserve and I am intensely grateful for all that God has given me. I would also like to mention that God has blessed me with the truest form of variety when it comes to these children. Each of my girls are so different from the other, and it keeps our lives in a constantly unpredictable state. I sometimes wonder if that is the root of the chaos that seems to never end, but it could also be that I lack a sense of preparedness and flourish when it comes to last-minute anything.
My husband and I recently decided...
You Are A Good Mother
A baby is one of the most beautiful blessings in the world. Becoming a mom is one of my biggest blessings. I am truly thankful for that. My daughter has changed my life in so many ways. The first time I held my daughter, I couldn’t stop looking at her and thinking to myself, "I am responsible for this little human. Everything I do and every decision I make matters." Being a mom is such an amazing job.
We are truly everything to our children.
I have learned that being a mom is putting your child’s needs before your own. Getting out of bed even when you don’t have the strength to. Sometimes us moms may...
Instant Gratification Junkies :: Are We Raising Them??
I want what I want, and I want it NOW!
Our lives are consumed with needs and wants, and for the most part, our society makes it pretty easy to obtain things quickly.
Do any of these below sound familiar?
Hungry and don’t have time to cook? There are drive-thru’s, gas station foods, and microwaves for that.
Having a bad day at work and need some release? That’s what happy hours provide.
Bored and need some entertainment? That’s exactly what scrolling through social media delivers.
Kid throws a fit and you just need it to stop before you pull your hair out? Just give him what he wants!
Emotionally taxing day with nearly unbearable...
Wobbling Toward Grace :: Milestones In Parenting A Neurodivergent Child
We took the kids to the West Baton Rouge Library’s Lego Club a few Fridays ago, and as we were trying to corral them to leave our younger son pointed at the ground and went, “AHHH!”
That’s his way of letting us know he has seen something out of the ordinary - revolting (a cockroach), surprising (a sock or a package of chips his brother has thrown into his visual range), or delightful (an almost-forgotten toy that has disappeared for a while). I followed his pointing finger to a small beige shape in the dark green industrial carpet weave of the library floor.
I squinted at the block and said, “well, let’s...