Years ago, I felt called to become a teacher.  I was working full-time in the private-sector and was feeling like I needed more time at home with my son, who was not quite one yet.  In my head, this was a perfect fit, I would go into work at 8AM, be home by 3PM, and have the entire summer, as well as holidays to spend more time with my son.  What occupation could be a better balance of work and family, right? Fast-forward through six weeks of Alternative Certification Training, as well as a few weeks in Summer School as a Student Teacher, and BAM!  I’m a Teacher!  A real one, with a classroom all my own and 125+ students...
By trade, I'm a teacher. But my real job is "momma" to three amazing, stinky boys. I absolutely love teaching, but by the time May rolls around I'm craving those long, lazy summer days that I so look forward to every year. I find as my children get older these long, lazy summer days aren't so long or lazy anymore.  What is the deal? What is going on? Why? By June 1st I am quickly reminded about 8 definite things with my kids on summer break every year...... 1.  My grocery bill doubles. Okay, scratch that...TRIPLES. My three little guys don't look like they eat a lot, but obviously my grocery bill and the look on the familiar cashier's face at Winn Dixie tells...
True life: I’m not even a stay at home mom yet, and I’m already wrestling with SAHM guilt. Initially when my husband and I found out we were pregnant, the plan was for me to go back to work in a part-time capacity. I have a very flexible job and an amazing boss, so we started looking at how to make two to three days a week work. But the more we crunched numbers and made plans for baby while I would be at work, the more we realized maybe this wasn’t our best option. We just couldn’t get all the factors to line up, and quickly found that what I would be bringing home per month just wasn’t justifiable....
So you've faced the big question in Part 1, you've faced all of the emotions in Part 2 , and you've decided to stay at home! Congratulations! You have joined in with a group of awesome women who love their families, who are hard-working, who are not afraid of challenges! Life from here on out will never be the same! But, how do you actually make it happen? Being a stay at home mom will be easy right? No planning required, it will just all come naturally and flow smoothly, won't it? If it does, then I need YOU to be the one writing this post instead of me (and to email me all your secrets)! I truly don't believe there is a...
So you've faced the big question, you've faced all of the emotions , you've decided to work! Congratulations! You have joined in with a group of awesome women who love their families, who are hard-working, who are not afraid of challenges! Life from here on out will never be the same! But, how do you actually make it happen? Childcare. The absolute number one necessity for every working mother hands down. This is not a decision to make on a whim or in a hurry. Research, talk to your local mommy friends, and go with your gut. Always go with your gut. If something feels bad, walk away. The one aspect of childcare that may be hard to say/hear, but needs to...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...