Last week, I was home taking care of my three and a half year old during her tonsillectomy recovery. I had planned on using the down time to get some writing done, but I found myself in a mind-twisting moment of writer's block. I thought it was a result of the 24-hour diner situation I had dug myself into in an attempt to get her to eat and drink or the constant whining of boredom from her sisters. But, it turns out it was because I was fighting torturous thoughts of children being separated from their parents with no plan for reuniting them. And like most issues and events that haunt me, until I write down my thoughts about...
Do you ever grow tired of waiting? Waiting for the work-day to end, waiting for Friday to arrive, waiting for the exciting trip you have planned for the summer, or simply waiting for the light to turn green as you sit in traffic trying to get home after a long day’s work? For the past couple years, I feel like I've spent my time waiting, waiting on life to just happen to me. Being a single mother, I don't have the freedom and endless possibilities that some people have (nor do most mothers for that matter). Some days I find myself standing over a pile of dirty dishes or staring at the mountainous load of laundry before me as...

Depression is a Liar

Depression is a liar. It makes you feel guilty that you aren't grateful enough for your blessed life. It repeats to you that one day people will realize you're a fraud. It gaslights you until you can't tell the difference between reality and the stories it tells you about yourself. It paralyzes you from pursuing your dreams because you might fail or be imperfect. It makes going out with friends overwhelming. It exhausts you mentally and physically. It tricks you into believing that medication will guy you of who you are instead of allowing you to BE who you are.  It reminds you that society things people who go to therapy are weak and unable to "just be positive." It numbs joy and optimism but amplifies fear and...
I have what most parents would call a "strong-willed" daughter. Honestly, though, she's just a typical three-year-old. It takes a lot of work to understand that she's just trying to test her boundaries and determine what she can and can't get away with. This actually is no different from what many of us continue to do beyond the toddler stage. How much can I talk to my friends in this teacher's classroom? How late can I be to work before someone says something? Except, like any kid her age, she's testing boundaries for any and every decision in her life because she's legitimately seeking answers. And it is EXHAUSTING. It's so tempting to just throw in the towel when she...
I know by now much of the world has heard the sad news of Kate Spade taking her own life. This really struck a chord with me for a few reasons, and I felt the need to open up about my own story. Kate was a self-made, successful business woman who created a vibrant brand that is loved by many across the world. By all appearances, she really had it all. A husband of 24 years, a precious 13-year-old daughter and great wealth. We always say “don’t read the comments on the internet” because they can be so divisive, ignorant and downright hurtful. Unfortunately, I did read a few and I feel like it’s understandably hard for people to grasp...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...