Being a dance mom is not for the faint-hearted. It becomes something that will take over your life before you even realize it has happened. Growing up as a dancer myself I understood what it took to be a dance mom; but to the women that have come into this world blindly, I commend you for your bravery and hope you decide to stay with us.
What it takes:
– 15+ hours a week of dance practice
– $ thousands of dollars in costumes, competition & choreography fee’s
– Travel across state lines
– Tears (SO MANY TEARS.. happy and sad tears)
– Literal PAIN (from muscle cramps and bruises to just plain exhaustion)
– Sacrifice (Time, money, missing moments with friends and family)
SO WHY?… why do we do this to ourselves?
The same reason moms sit in the outfield for weekends on end during the summer. The same reason other moms sacrifice personal time to drop their kids at football or basketball practice. Because the kids LOVE it, and we get the pleasure of watching them grow stronger and better every single day.
Dance has finally started to get its recognition as one of the hardest and most difficult sports. It takes strength, flexibility, precision, acting, commitment, and the ability to be in pain without an ounce of it showing on your face. To be a dancer is to work harder every single day and give 150% of your time and commitment to grow and learn, to show your soul to the world through your dancing.
What it Gives:
– Confidence
– A way to express yourself
– The ability to watch dreams come true
– Strength (in mind and body)
– Happiness (if your children love what they do happiness follows)
– Healthiness (people tend to forget that dancing is working out)
– Awards & Job opportunities (just like with other artistic avenues, dance can open doors to jobs and accolades)
DANCE MOM, has become a term that has almost a negative connotation thanks to tv shows and people’s assumptions. However, let me set the record straight: A Dance Mom or Dad is a parent that is allowing their child to take their dreams and put them into action. Can’t is not even a word in our vocabulary and the word QUIT doesn’t even exist. Just like a baseball, football, or gymnast mom: We make our children stick to their commitments, hugs, and kisses are given when they get hurt but we also tell them to get back up and try again.
– Sometimes your child will LOSE: It will hurt your heart because they are hurt. BUT… losing is how we grow and learn
– The days are LONG, practice will take hours, and the competition itself will take entire weekends from sun up to sundown.
– You will have to GIVE UP stuff: Vacations, Birthday Parties, and Date Nights
– You will witness HAPPINESS– the light in the eyes of your children as they run off the stage with pure joy on their faces
– Your child will become a different person, their CONFIDENCE and GROWTH will amaze you.
– One day, your child will THANK YOU: for all the time and all the money you put into supporting something they LOVE or LOVED doing.
– Your child may not be the next Golden Girl or she may never dance on Broadway but let me assure you that what she learned in dance class will take her through her entire life.
Dance is a community of people growing the world into a stronger and more beautiful place <3