How To Keep Your Littles Hydrated This Hot Summer
Here’s a list of ways to keep your child cool and hydrated during these hot months ::
•Drink plenty of water! Make sure your littles are drinking plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Pack a water bottle when going out.
•Giving your child fruits and vegetables that have a high water content can be a great option for keeping them hydrated, such as watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe.
•Attaching fans to strollers and wagons to keep them cool.
•Protect them from the sun by applying sunscreen. This is a must when leaving the house. We have to protect their little skin.
•If the temperature is really high, try to limit outdoor activities. If you plan to go outdoors try to go out during the cooler times of the day, like early morning or late afternoon. Plan indoor activities during the hottest times of day.
• Dressing for the heat if you plan to go out. Dress your child in breathable, loose-fitted clothing like cotton. This will keep your child comfortable and cool.
•Apply a cooling carseat and stroller liner. This will prevent the buckles and seat from getting hot.
• Fruit smoothies and popsicles are perfect for keeping your child hydrated.
What to do if your child shows signs of being overheated?!
According to Kids Health, there are several things you can do to help a child cool down their body temperature ::
•Bring your child to a cooler place or an air conditioning car.
•Give your child water
•Remove your child’s excess clothing.
•Put a cool wet cloth or cool water on your child’s skin.
•Call your pediatrician for further advice.