Worth the Drive :: The Preserve in Fredericksburg, Texas My first experience with an elephant encounter was at the Baton Rouge Zoo. I can only remember this experience by a photograph that I took as a toddler perched on top of a huge elephant with a big smile on my face. After that, I loved weekend visits to the local zoo to see all the animals and loved to see these majestic creatures from afar. I became fascinated with elephants when I worked as a trainer abroad in Mumbai, India. The elephant is considered a sacred animal in India. They are a symbol of protection, compassion, strength, wisdom, stability, and power. One of my greatest memories of my work trip was...
How To Keep Your Littles Hydrated This Hot Summer Here’s a list of ways to keep your child cool and hydrated during these hot months :: •Drink plenty of water! Make sure your littles are drinking plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration. Pack a water bottle when going out. •Giving your child fruits and vegetables that have a high water content can be a great option for keeping them hydrated, such as watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe. •Attaching fans to strollers and wagons to keep them cool. •Protect them from the sun by applying sunscreen. This is a must when leaving the house. We have to protect their little skin. •If the temperature is really high, try to limit outdoor activities. If you plan...
Football :: A Huddle Of Blessings Since my son Maison could walk, he loved playing sports. His first sport was basketball, and he played his first game at 4 years old. His attention span went from dribbling the ball to running in the stands because he saw my brother and he wanted to sit by him. Then he turned 5 and wanted to play soccer, and that's how I became his soccer coach for 2 years. We were called the “Texas Flossers.” Whether we would win or lose, they would stop and do the floss. We had so much fun playing soccer. But then life happened, and he lost his joy in playing sports.   For the past 4 years, we...
A 6 Hour Drive to Austin to Experience a 4th of July Bucket List :: Fireworks on Lake Travis I have never experienced fireworks like the Fourth of July I had in Austin where I rented a kayak and my girlfriend's paddle boards to go out before sunset, to find the perfect location on Lake Travis. There are so many places to rent if you do not have your own. The water was filled with a crowd that consisted of rafts, kayaks, paddle boards and other inflatables. As the sun went down on the water, we enjoyed the beautiful sunset as the crowd decorated themselves with glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces and other light up gear. The Austin...
child- let them play

Let Them Play

Let Them Play I used to be that mom. The mom with an arsenal of baby wipes and wet washcloths at the ready, constantly wiping faces and feet and God forbid they wear those brand new shoes outside. Oh you want to catch bugs and lizards? Um, how about no. Then I came to my senses. Gone were the days when I really gave a second thought to my children playing in the mud, exploring the sights and sounds around them, and just being kids. Slowly and surely I was letting that part of my ever present helicopter parenting go and I couldn’t be happier. Kids are curious by nature, I was done with hindering that curiosity. I stopped hovering, I stopped being...

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Around Baton Rouge

BellyFire Pottery :: A Hands-on Bachelorette Party

BellyFire Pottery :: A Hands-on Bachelorette Party When we were looking for somewhere to host a small intimate bachelorette party, we stumbled upon BellyFire Pottery...
Where to take swim lessons in Baton Rouge?

Swim Lessons in Baton Rouge