I still cannot believe I had TWINS roughly two months ago, but here I am knee-deep in diapers (I should also mention that I have a 2.5-year-old still in diapers) and bottles. Literally, there are diapers everywhere! And I keep buying more bottles because I feel like I’m constantly washing them. There have been days that noon rolls around, and I have yet to wash my face or brush my teeth. There’s definitely been at least one day where my husband came home from work and I was still wearing my pajamas from the night before and never even managed to put on a bra. One day he came home and asked me if I watered the ferns, and all I could think was “I haven’t even watered myself!”
When I do finally get a little time, I don’t know what to do first because my list is a thousand miles long. Do I wash some clothes? Do I take a shower? Do I go pee since I’ve been meaning to go for the past hour and a half? Do I try to nap? Do I try to write this article?! It is in this chaos that I’ve come to measure success somewhat differently and really celebrate all the victories in my day-to-day life, no matter how small. Victories such as:
• Writing one or two thank you notes….and getting them addressed and in the mailbox.
• Washing my face AND putting on moisturizer
• Getting dressed…sports bras and workout leggings totally count
• Eating an actual meal…My diet consisted of mostly protein shakes and coffee those first few weeks.
• Feeding both twins at the same time (This felt like a BIG victory!)
It’s crazy that these are the things that have made me feel successful lately, but I’m embracing it. We’ll figure it all out, and in the meantime, we will just keep taking baby steps to a post-babies reality. Those two little boys are the sweetest and have been the perfect “grand finale” to our family.
So, mamas, celebrate all your victories! And at least brush your teeth…
Wonder Woman has nothing on you. Sweet column. KEEP WRITING!!