Midsummer Resolutions Because January Was Years Ago

Midsummer Resolutions Because January Was Years Ago

Now that it’s July and the January resolutions have been (cough) done, it’s time for some midsummer resolutions!! I absolutely love my life but so many things have happened since January that have made me rethink my priorities. I’ve neglected so many of my blessings. I hope someone reads this and can relate. 

Spending Family Quality Time with My Parents.

My parents are so positive and supportive. They will stop everything if they feel like my spirit is down. I mean they will move mountains. It’s incredible that I can call my dad to pick my kids up from school if I need to even though he lives 2.5 hours away. Or when I was feeling overwhelmed at work, my mom stood (literally and figuratively) by my side. There’s so much I could say about how incredible both of my parents are. 

Prioritizing Adult Friendships.

I haven’t been doing this very much since Covid. I’m so blessed to have so many wonderful friends who are extremely patient and will push me to be my best self. I have some very loving and persistent friends who have gone with me country music dancing, comedy clubs, and other places, but I never share that on any social media. I’ll be more intentional in sharing more of my entire being. 

Making Memories with My Children – Accepting that Perfection is Not Ever Attainable.

I absolutely love being a mom to my littles. It’s incredible. Every day I’m thrilled at the adventure, but sometimes I get sad thinking about what they’ll never have. That every memory won’t be perfect. I need to focus on my blessings and not let any negative / sad / self-doubt get in my way. I am enough. They are enough. We’re really happy and that’s enough.  

Being my Authentic Self.

Midsummer Resolutions Because January Was Years Ago

I only share my kids really because they’re my heart. I need to share (maybe on social media, maybe not), my authentic self. The big kid that runs around with water guns is always conducting a secret experiment, and who absolutely loves nature and space. I feel like society molds people into these replicas when that’s not who we are at all.

Live with Love.

Life is so short and so precious. We are living our own stories. Every moment matters. This is the beginning of my best chapter. 

So here are things I’m going to do with the rest of the summer:

  1. Host a monthly dinner party or game night with friends. Something themed and happy!! I’ve been waiting until I paint over all of the “wall art.” That “wall art” is nothing to be ashamed of. My kids are artists.
  2. Plan a weekend getaway or staycation with friends. I’m doing this today. I’m so excited!! A little while ago, I was watching bad, terrible movies with my friend Crystal. I didn’t appreciate how little time we had left together.
  3. Attend a music festival or outdoor concert with friends. This is totally doable, especially with New Orleans down the road. I love music. Although I must confess, I have the worst rhythm. But my friend Nakivia stood by my side during Dolly Parton night and only offered support.
  4. Start a book club or hiking group with friends. My friend LaToya started a book club. It got us through Covid. I’m reading a totally boring book right now and I’d love to discuss how boring it is with someone else. There are so many beautiful places to hike. I want to so badly. There’s a waterfall down the street past the dump and before the nuclear power plant. I bet it’s so beautiful.
  5. Schedule regular coffee dates or happy hours with friends. Yes!!! I need to reconnect and keep up with everyone.
  6. Plan a family vacation or road trip to a new destination. I’m about to do this with my parents and children. I’m so excited!!! 
  7. Have a picnic or BBQ in a park or backyard. We used to do this every single day. I need to get back to this.
  8. Attend an outdoor movie night or concert with kids. This would be amazing. If only the Ninja Turtles would perform. 
  9. Plan a fun craft or DIY project with your children. We still do this offer.
  10. Have a family game night or movie marathon. This one is hard because I cheat. But I’m going to honestly play from now on. I love movies but I almost always fall asleep.
  11. Visit a local museum or aquarium with kids. My boys love museums. Jacob loves aquariums. He wants to bring a fishing rod to the one in New Orleans.
  12. Take a cooking class or bake together with your children. We love to cook together. But my kids don’t like eating their food so far. I’m hoping they’ll enjoy their vegetables that they grew in their garden. As I write this, I realize they probably won’t. But everyone needs hope. 

I’m so excited!!! Happy summer!


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