How did you hear about it first? Was it a tiny, cheerful snowflake on your weather forecast phone app? Was it a friend who excitedly texted you?
However you heard, you’re in phase one: pure excitement and anticipation of possible snow in Louisiana.
The news spreads like lightning, even if the snow is several days away in the forecast. Within a matter of minutes, if your children are school age, they have probably heard too. If one of your children is old enough to have their own cell phone, then watch out, because the snow anticipation is about to multiply exponentially in your home. It’s getting real.
It’s the second phase of snow prediction in the south: constant conversations about snow joy.
As a parent, teacher, and friend, I now hear constant conversations about potential snow, all with the possibility of a coveted and rare Snow Day off. My boys talked about this FOR DAYS.
Phase 3 approaches rapidly: predicting how much snow we will get by sharing various forecasts with each other.
Will it be like last year’s snow fall when we can actually build snow men and throw snow balls? Will people be waking up at 4am on purpose to see the snow falling? Anything is possible. We are now verging on possible snow prep, which requires deciding which kind of gumbo, soup, or other cold weather food to make, and heading to store before they are out of these critical items.
Phase 4: check the weather forecast every few minutes.
Snow is possible, or nothing close to it, in the next 24 hours. Try to get some sleep amid the anticipation. The next morning, either go outside and watch the snow fall, or console your children’s disappointment, depending on whether white flakes graced our southern palms.