The holidays for our family, like most families, are a little manic. From the time we carve the turkey on Thanksgiving day until we cut the King Cake on 12th night, we are filled to the brim with family events, eating, running from here to there, more eating, staying off schedule, not keeping up with laundry, opening presents, still more food, and lack of sleep. By the time mid-January rolls around (I’m a resolution procrastinator), I’m ready to get my life in order by de-cluttering, refocusing, and de-stressing. This is usually when I detox. I don’t mean the celebrity detox where you drink cayenne water for 3 days. I’m speaking of a life cleanse.
To cleanse means to rid yourself of things that are unpleasant or unwanted, things or situations that may cause stress or anxiety, and allow yourself a clean slate or new beginning. I also like to think that when you cleanse, you invite more promising things into your presence. At the start of each year, I like to look at the areas of my life that need cleansing. Each year is different, but this year I focused on organization, rest, and fitness.
I need to organize, by starting with the toys…
Can we all just collectively agree that the holiday toy situation is out of control? Don’t get it twisted, I love toys and playtime. Toys are a great thing, but holiday toy gift giving is outrageous. By the time we attend every family event, we are usually drowning in toys. So much so that Santa wouldn’t be missed if he didn’t stop at our house.
If you suffer over-toy-itis (side effects may include mommies who spend half their days cleaning up toys and messy playrooms), my first detox rule is simple. Get rid of old toys before new toys come into the home. A personal rule I’ve created is each year before birthdays and holidays, we purge toys. I throw out broken toys, and donate or hand-down the rest.

Sleep in heavenly peace, finally…
Chances are you’ve been sleep deprived. How do I know this? Because if you’re a mom, you’re always sleep deprived. It doesn’t matter if it’s December or mid-June, you (and I) are tired. Get some rest, real rest. Beg, borrow, or steal for this rest. Ask your significant other to let you sleep in or send the kids to the babysitter or, if local, the grandparents. Even though our bodies aren’t capable of catching up on sleep, having one great night of sleep is the best gift you can give any mom (and maybe a massage, too).

Get physical…o
If your exercise routine took a sabatical over the holidays, now’s the time to get moving. I’m not the biggest fan of overreaching New Year’s resolution goals such as “I’m going to workout” or “I’m going to lose 10 pounds.” Instead set a measurable goal such as, “I’m going to join a gym or fitness program and attend classes 4 times per week” or “I’m going to meal prep on Sunday afternoons in order to make eating healthier easier.” Then, just do it.
I love the holiday season so much. It’s our chance to celebrate and indulge in life, but more than loving the holiday season, I love a new beginning. New beginnings don’t always have to be big, extravagant, life-altering events. Sometimes those new beginnings can be found by simply readjusting or refocusing the current state. Here’s to you and you’re fresh start, even if all that means is a good night’s sleep.
How do you cleanse after the holidays?