There’s so much talk about COVID-19 in the present, but what about once we can leave our homes again? Moms are going to need a break. They are going to need to decompress. Now, before the “they’re your kids group” starts protesting, KNOW THIS…. we love our children. And truthfully, there are very few people we trust more than ourselves with them. However, just like a good workout, rest is necessary. Personal time is necessary.
So when the Social Distancing is lifted, reach out to a mom. She will need you. It doesn’t matter if she is a single mom, a married mom, a mom living with her mom, a rich mom, or an economically disadvantaged mom…she will need you. We will need. I will need you.
What is it that we will need? We will need you to take them for ice cream so we can change our underwear without being Lightning McQueen. We will need you to take them to a movie so that we can possibly see a movie with a rating above G or PG. Or maybe we need you because we need a Date Night with our husband. Whatever the need is, we will need you.
What we don’t need (if you’re a mom like me, you won’t give it merit anyway) is your judgment because we say we are tired. Or because we are complaining about our grocery bills, utility bills, etc. On that note, it’s safe to say that this also doesn’t suggest that all moms don’t respect the work that teachers do. It does mean that we jumped right into it. And we have done a hell of a job. We have managed to prepare three meals a day plus a snack. We have turned our home into elementary and secondary distance learning centers as well as remote offices for our day jobs. We have fielded emotions because our children miss their “norm.” They want to play with their friends. They want to hug their grandparents. They can’t. It hurts them. It hurts us! So yes, we will need you. We need to take a step away. We need to recap all that has happened. We need to restock our sanity. We need a trip to the spa, to happy hour. We will need you.
When your family member calls you after the smoke clears, please be there. Even if you’re only a listening ear. And if you can’t be there then, please exit safely and expeditiously now.