
Tag: kids

Homework is a Dirty Word (and I’m a Teacher)

Homework has suddenly found its way into my life again ... much, much sooner than anticipated. You see, this year my daughter is in...

Our Kids are Gross Because …

Y'all, kids are gross. I think this is just natural for them. Most of the time, they don't even realize how incredibly gross they...

Easy Thankful Turkey Craft for Kids

I can't believe Thanksgiving is already here. This year has gone by too fast! My kids have already gone through the Toys R Us...

Dear Pre-Teen Son

Dear Pre-Teen Son, You are now 12 years old – one year away from being a teenager. I was excited for you as a baby,...

Our Kids Take a Back Seat

When I was younger, it would not be uncommon for my parents to pack all four of us kids into the back seat of...