The Persistent Dreamer

The Persistent Dreamer

When I was a little girl, I had big aspirations. Pop star, model, veterinarian, nurse. I wanted to succeed. I wanted to do something groundbreaking with my life, something to make a difference. Then life happened. High school brought me down a road I didn’t anticipate in my younger days, and boy was that road bumpy. After becoming a teen mom, I figured my chances of becoming something were put on hold. I was right. For a long time, my dreams took a wayside in pursuit of raising my son. I worked as a waitress, a cashier, a bartender. Basically a string of customer service jobs that didn’t fulfill me. Don’t get me wrong. I have the utmost respect for the people working these jobs. They’re not easy and some people really are naturally talented at these careers, but not me.

Nothing I did made me happy, nowhere I worked gave me a PURPOSE.

Fast forward to now. I have a career at a company I really do love. I enjoy the challenges it presents me with, the growth I’m now able to see as attainable, and I’ve made some great friends. Is it my ultimate dream career though? Not quite. I can say as a 30 something year old woman that I still have lots of goals and dreams that don’t conform to climbing the corporate ladder. Will I achieve all of those dreams? Unlikely. But that doesn’t stop me from aiming high and giving it my best shot.

The Persistent Dreamer

As adults, especially with children, we tend to think our days of dreaming have passed us.

That’s simply not true. I think it’s more important than ever to have those goals to reach towards. In this day and age filled with a failing economy and heartbreaking news covering our feeds while we aimlessly doom-scroll, it’s good to have something to work towards. Does that take away from our 9-5’s and our families? I don’t think so. In fact, I think it motivates us even more to work harder. It inspires us to keep reaching for the stars, however mundane or far away those galaxies might seem.

Sara Hodge
Sara is the proud mother of four children. Born in Baton Rouge, she grew up in Ascension and decided to settle down in her hometown of Gonzales. As the mom of two children with congenital heart disease, she's passionate about raising awareness for the cause. In her rare moments of spare time, she enjoys reading Stephen King novels, spending all her money on Amazon, and scrolling through TikTok. You can usually find her cruising the streets listening to 2000's emo, being her children's personal chauffeur.


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