Imagine this … a dimly lit room, dozens of free movies to watch (and even more TV show options), two full meals delivered to you, and not a single child climbing on you.
Sounds like Heaven, right? I got to experience that Heaven this past May on a 17 hour flight to Brisbane, Australia. It was glorious! While others might complain about being stuck in a metal tube for 2/3 of a day, I embraced it and enjoyed every minute of it! I caught up on all the new releases I didn’t have time to watch (namely, Black Panther), and I didn’t cook a single meal! Best of all, no one was demanding my attention, climbing on me, or yelling at me for a snack.
I still daydream about it.

Of course, I experienced some (okay … a lot) of anxiety leading up to my trip. My youngest (who was still nursing at 21 months) hadn’t spent a night away from me, ever! The longest I’d spent away from my husband, or my oldest was a week. Before walking onto that plane, I was a mess. Once I walked off, I was a brand new woman!
Why you should travel solo, too!
Do you remember the days when you could get in the car, jam out to your favorite music (or listen to NPR), arrive at your destination, and not have to wrangle toddlers in a dangerous parking lot? I didn’t either … until I went on my trip!
This trip helped me realize that I needed more time to be alone with myself; to remember who I am when not “on call” 24/7 for three other people. While this incredible trip to Australia may have been a once in a lifetime event, I can still embrace traveling solo here in BR.
Running errands, solo!
I’m a much nicer shopper when I haven’t had to breakup up fights over who gets to choose their song first or had to wrestle toddlers into their car seats. I’m also a much faster shopper, too! Plus, no one is cutting eyes at my boys as they run around Target or commenting that I have my “hands full.” For all they know, I’m not a mom (okay, maybe the pull ups I’m buying says otherwise), but it is a nice break from being the mom of two boys to just being a face in the crowd.
Did I mention eating alone?

Another perk of traveling solo is not worrying about feeding anyone but yourself. Want to peruse the menu? Take your time! Need a cup of coffee? Drink it while it’s hot and from a glass mug! Want to sit quietly and observe the world around you? Go ahead!
The best part about traveling solo?

Coming home to your babies. There’s nothing like coming home and hearing them shout “Mommy!” as they run to you with open arms.
I’ve found that giving us space to miss each other is a hidden gift. It can be counter intuitive, but sometimes it’s what we all need to appreciate each other just a little more.