It is finally here.
The day I’ve shuttered at the thought of. The big 3-0. Today is the day I am officially separated from the glitzy, young twenty-something year olds. I am entering a new division. One I would consider a class of maturity and sophistication.
We 30 year old ladies have officially arrived.
Our early twenties brought some wild nights and early mornings. Rolling into exam day with mascara from the night before, we learned how to balance the need for adventure and the structure of college presentations and capstones. As we glided effortlessly into our mid-twenties, we fell in love, some of us with our soulmates, others with our careers. And eventually, some even with the pitter-patter of tiny feet on the kitchen floor.
We learned from mistakes.
Our twenties brought us wisdom. Being a new wife, a new mother, or maybe the new girl clinging to the first rung of the corporate ladder, regardless, we all fell down. Though one thing is for certain, we got back up. We grew as women. We grew into the shoes we aspired to fill. And now, we traipse into our thirties sporting our new kicks.
With many baby boomer women leaving the work force, we are taking over the reigns driven and determined. We’ve acquired skills from the women before us to soar in our chosen careers and parent our children with their handed down wisdom. That is of course, balanced with the occasional vent session to Mom about our latest Pinterest fail. (Because let’s face it, Pinterest sets the darn bar high!)
We are living in the moment.
And yes, in this moment let me not forget to mention that faint wrinkle on my forehead, I see you. The occasional morning when sleepy bags banter underneath my eyes and I simply cannot get my coffee strong enough. Those days give a flash of the future and what 40 could bring. But for now, I’ll bask in today. Because despite the achey joints and gray hair future decades foreshadow, comes precious moments of running with tiny tots and sweet victories of overcoming hurdles in the workforce that this decade will bring.
So, today I bid farewell to my twenties. You were good to me. Though you brought with you the lowest of lows with it, you exchanged some of the most beautiful moments of my life. And for that, I thank you. Onward to the third decade we go!