A Letter to My 8th Grade Graduate

A Letter to My 8th Grade Graduate

August 2015, you gave me one last hug and bravely walked towards the door of your Kindergarten classroom.

You turned back slightly to smile at me. Then, you confidently returned to find your seat, never looking back again.

You got through that day and all the days that came after. I was a mess knowing you were growing up.

You are a sponge for learning, soaking everything up; you never cease to amaze me! I am so proud of you for always putting yourself out there, trying new things, and discovering your passions.

You roll with the punches, figure out a way through all the difficulties, and have had to learn that life is only sometimes fair. You put in the hard work and crush the goals you set out for yourself.

I look at you, wondering how we got to 8th grade graduation so quickly.

Watching you grow into an intelligent, confident, kind, well-rounded young lady has been my greatest joy!

Seeing you graduate from middle school and move on to high school next year is bittersweet. I miss my little chubby, freckled-face toddler, but I cannot wait to see what you do next. I see so much potential in you and know you will do great things!

As you move on to the next chapter, I hope you continue to push yourself and never shy away from trying new things out of fear of failure. Do not sacrifice who you are. Stay steadfast in how you view yourself. Continue to be a good human.

Be gentle with other people’s feelings. Remember to treat others with respect. Know your best self is yet to come.

We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what the world has in store for you next!

Congratulations and Good Luck to all the graduates this year!

Elizabeth Boudreaux
Elizabeth and her husband Nicholas have been married for 13 years. They live in Geismar with their 3 children, Addison (9), Parker (5), and Laurel (2). She is from Franklin, LA and moved to Baton Rouge after receiving her Master’s in Business Administration from Southeastern Louisiana University. She is a Budget Administrator for the Department of Public Safety. She relies on sarcasm, a dry sense of humor, and the occasional cocktail to deal with the daily demands of motherhood. She loves crawfish, clean sheets, vacuuming, and the latest crime documentary on Netflix.


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