A Minimalist Wannabe

Recently, two of my friends found a September Challenge where you had to get rid of an item for every day of the month (i.e. 1 item on the 1st, 2 items on the 2nd and so on). I loved the idea. There always comes a time in the year where I kind of get antsy and have to purge our entire house. Why? No idea. I mean it may partly be due to the fact that we used to move every year (just by chance), or because not so secretly and not so deep down, I REALLY want a tiny house. Purging for me means I’m one step closer to having a tiny house … granted I know if we get one, it’ll be in the far future especially since it’s probably not the best idea to have a 350-400 sq. ft. home in South Louisiana. Regardless, the thought of living with the minimum of what we need makes me enjoy where we are now. Without the clutter. With only the must-haves.

Two years ago we moved from a 3 bedroom house to a 2 bedroom apartment. The apartment ever so kindly came with 2 storage rooms … now remember we moved and lost a bedroom, so that bedroom was now split up between those storage rooms. When I say split up, I don’t mean furniture … I mean actual junk. The third bedroom was home to everything we didn’t REALLY need, and now that moved to the 2 bedroom we are in now. But back then, in my mind it was a “What if we need this when we buy a house.” So here we are, 2 years later and the storage units are still packed.

Now you’re here. You’ve made it this far in reading my rant which I’m assuming means you’re intrigued. So, where do you go from here? Don’t worry I got you.

The Entryway

Do you really need ALL of those shoes there? If the answer is yes, because those are you and your children’s most worn shoes – then what’s sitting in your closet?! Keep what’s most worn and purge all the others.

The Smell Goods: Have you used it in 3 months?

I’m talking perfume, lotions, and bath products.

If I’m being honest I had a lotion from Victoria’s Secret that I loved. Said lotion was discontinued – so naturally I kept the same container on my dresser for the past 9 years. Yes 9. I mean I know I’m not the only one whose holding on to something like this, right? Same with perfumes I had one that I used in 8th grade … I now HATE the scent, so why am I still holding on to it?

Let’s be real if it’s not in your daily routine. It probably never will be.

The Closet: Have you worn it in 3 months?

But really, have you?? No more holding on to clothes because “what if I’ll need it for ____.” Chances are if you haven’t worn it in the 3-5 years, it’s been sitting in the back of the closet you probably won’t ever wear it. I was a sucker for “I’ll fit in it one day,” but when I thought about this, reality hit me: if I worked my butt off to lose the weight – I’m going to want to treat myself to a new wardrobe, not wear something that’s out of style.

The Kitchen

When was the last time you cleaned out/organized your pantry? Do it during nap time, or even one shelf at a time. Are there any pots/pans you don’t use or are older than you care to admit and it was time to get rid of them years ago. Confession time: I’ve been using the same set of pots and pans since I was in college, the bottoms are scratched and that film that isn’t supposed to go away and expose the silver has happened. The real kicker though – we got a beautiful set for our wedding three years ago, and I’ve never even used them (surprise babe :o). The reason? I’m waiting till we get a house … so I can use them in my beautiful brand new kitchen. So silly. Those old ones are being purged today.

The Living Room

Oh, this one is fun. I don’t know about y’al,l but we have probably 40-50 DVDS. I can’t even remember the last time we watched a DVD at home. If you do that’s awesome, but try and consolidate to the top 10 in your family! There’s really no need to have a ton of DVDs unless you’re watching them religiously.

The Knick Knacks

Okay so we try and keep this to a minimum mainly because I’m a little scarred from my childhood, and having to help dust our house and there were so many knick-knacks. Just pick your favorites, things that match your home esthetic and purge the rest!

Now, I challenge you.

I challenge you to purge just a little bit. It only takes 15 minutes out of your day or maybe even 5. Just do a little section at a time so you’re not overwhelmed. Live simply, and it’ll make all the difference. I feel like when your home is less cluttered, you feel less cluttered!

Michelle, and her wonderful husband Michael, moved to Baton Rouge from Houma, 3 years ago to help launch Anchor Chapel. Though it's been 3 years, there's a 99.9% chance she'll still get lost unless she uses the GPS on her phone. They are the parents to a spunky, Disney loving 2-year-old named Maverick. She graduated from Nicholls State University and earned her degree in Mass Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. She has since then has decided to trade that in for a life of a working stay at home mom. She loves all things Jesus, Lush, and Disney!


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