Amy Craft-Peltier

Amy Craft-Peltier
Amy was born and raised in Lafayette, LA. graduated from UL Lafayette with a bachelor’s degree in Health Information Management. Amy works remotely for a healthcare company based out of Lafayette, LA. She and her husband Toby have two children - a rambunctious, loving boy and a sweet baby girl - and one dog. When she isn't working or spending time with her family, Amy enjoys quiet trips to Target, good food and, depending on the time of the day, coffee or wine.

Summer Fun for My Littles

I refer to myself as an 80's mom. My kids are young – 4 years and 19 months. I’m not sending them out into the neighborhood and not letting them back in until sunset,...

Cancel the #CancelCulture

We are seeing companies, celebrities and influencers alike release statements announcing the firing of individuals or shutting down collaborations after comments, actions and old social media posts have gone viral. And while some of...

I Am a Lego Mom…and I Ain’t Mad About It

  At four years old, our son loves dinosaurs, Paw Patrol, and building things. For a long time, he used Duplo blocks to build garages, towers, dinosaurs, and robots. Then a couple of months ago,...

[Celebrity] Relationships: It’s None of Your Business

Recently, a celebrity couple announced their split on social media. The short non-explanation announced they were splitting after 10 years as they had grown apart. I made the mistake of reading some of the...


I’m a remote employee and have been working from home long before stay at home orders and working from home became the norm. Our kids are young – four and one – and attend...