

Ana is originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Out of passion for learning, she started traveling to all sorts of different places. Fifteen countries later, she has now settled in Baton Rouge and works for a local architecture firm. Graduate school at LSU presented her not only with tools to advance in architecture but also with a deeper understanding of the culture and geography of Louisiana. It is a fascinating state, and Baton Rouge, as its capital, does not disappoint. Ana is currently starting her journey to a country she has never been to before: motherhood (except if you count a dog, a cat, and a fish). You can find her coming up with a myriad of house projects, trying new restaurants in town, park-hopping with her beagle, or enjoying a good movie with her husband.

An Open Letter to My Son

Dear little human growing inside me, First, I would like to tell you that I already love you more than I imagined I could love anyone (don’t tell your dad - I love him a...

Nesting Phase Tips From Your Friendly Neighborhood Pregnant-Architect

Everyone warned me "nesting" would occur and I would feel the urge to renovate my whole house. I thought, well, this is my natural stage at all times, so it will not affect me....

Baby Registry Saga – Part III [Lessons Learned]

Prologue: Following "Baby Registry Saga - Part I," and "Baby Registry Saga - Part II," I'm here to share the lessons learned so far. Lesson 1 Resist temptation and stick to a plan. All things baby are...

Live from the Second Trimester

The second trimester is a roller coaster of its own. At first, I couldn't feel the baby - or at least I couldn't decidedly tell my body's doing from baby's doing. I was so eager...

Live from the First Trimester

Two weeks before conception, for counting purposes, I was already "pregnant," but I had no idea that would be THE month. The first trimester begins with no warning. Armed with a 20 pack pregnancy...