
Chastity George

Chastity George

Embracing AI :: Why Every Mom Should Consider Using Artificial Intelligence

Embracing AI :: Why Every Mom Should Consider Using Artificial Intelligence In today's fast-paced world, moms are juggling more responsibilities than ever before. From managing household chores and running errands to balancing careers and family...

The Holy Twelve :: Louisiana Festival Essentials

The Holy Twelve :: Louisiana Festival Essentials As a mom of two small children attending festivals in South Louisiana, it's essential to be prepared for a day of fun and potential challenges. Here's a list...
mother and daughter during festival season in South Louisiana

Worth The Road Trip :: Festival Season In South Louisiana

Worth The Road Trip :: Festival Season In South Louisiana I saw recently that a year in south Louisiana can be divided three ways: Football season, Mardi Gras, and Festival season! And here we are...
mom struggling with mom guilt

Mom Guilt :: Will It Ever Go Away?

Mom Guilt: Will It Ever Go Away? Mom guilt is a common phenomenon experienced by many mothers, often characterized by feelings of inadequacy, doubt, and self-blame. Whether it's struggling to balance work and family responsibilities,...

Raising Parents And Kids :: What I’ve Learned

Raising Parents And Kids :: What I've Learned In the intricate tapestry of life, many find themselves caught between two profound responsibilities: the nurturing of their own growing children and the caring embrace extended towards...