
Mary Grace Pinkard is a mom of two precious girls, Harvey (2.5) and Palmer (5 months) and wife to Chad, a physician currently in his pediatric residency at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital. She’s originally from Laurel, Mississippi, and attended the University of Georgia. After college, Mary Grace worked in public relations and advertising. While she now stays at home with her girls, she’s a certified sleep consultant and the social media director for The Cradle Coach, a baby and toddler sleep consulting company serving families worldwide. She doesn’t know exactly what she enjoys doing in her spare time because "spare time currently doesn’t exist"…yet, she wouldn’t have it any other way. Mary Grace is all about sharing her motherhood moments with zero filter, embracing the messy and connecting with other moms through the raw and the real (sometimes hilarious) struggles motherhood brings. If you're looking for sleep tips, be sure to follow @thecradlecoach on Instagram!

The Transition From Fancy to Family Christmas Tree

Here at Red Stick Mom, we offer dozens of ideas from diverse perspectives in our mom hacks, tips and tricks category. From taking road trips from Baton Rouge to meatless meals to natural cold...

Is Bedtime a Battle? Try a Routine Chart!

It shouldn’t have surprised me when we slowly started facing more bedtime battles with my now 3-year-old. For literally years after sleep training, we had zero sleep struggles. When we transitioned to her big...

Don’t Be a Mom Troll

Motherhood is hard ...  … and while we have Google and endless advice from Aunt Karen, everyone ultimately has to figure things out on their own. The opinions of others are so accessible to the...

My Top 4 Baby Products for Saving Time and Avoiding (More) Stress

When it comes to motherhood, I still consider myself a rookie. My girls are 1 and 3. So, as instructed by thousands of articles, viral social media posts and the old lady at the...

I’m 30, I Have Kids and I Love The Bachelor

As moms who rarely have any “me time,” we’re often asked about the guilty pleasures in which we indulge during our miraculous moments of relaxation.  Reality TV is at the top of my list, yet...