

Sarah Vorhies is a self-proclaimed foodie who has been married to her husband Justin for ten years. Sarah and Justin have two beautiful children, Lillian and Judah. Sarah stayed close to home and got her degree in English Education from Southeastern Louisiana University. She can honestly say she is never bored thanks to one of the most fun jobs ever - teaching 11th grade American Literature. She enjoys traveling, reading, finding new recipes on Pinterest, and spending quality time with her family.

Planning to Take FMLA Maternity Leave? Read This First.

Several weeks after my son was born, I received a distressing letter in the mail indicating that my health insurance that also covered my children was about to be cancelled. I knew that this...

Mom of the Bitten and Mom of the Biter :: You Might Be Both

"Hey mom!" The daycare worker looks at me with that look, the one I've come to know to mean something happened today. I can see it in her eyes, that she's not really looking...

Coming to Grips with My Cell Phone Addiction

If the first step is admitting you have a problem then I'm saying it:  I have a problem. A serious problem. I'm addicted to my cell phone. This is not a teenage problem as some...

#BoyMomProblems Needs to Disappear

Several weeks ago, I grabbed my husband’s phone, opened the browser, and immediately cracked up laughing. “Boy mom” was typed in the search bar, and the results were about 15 pages of answers to...

You Make Me Proud Every Day

After I tuck her in and the giggles have turned into quietness and her eyelids are heavy with sleep, I whisper to my child the same thing almost every night, “I love you. You...