

Tiffany is happily married to her high school sweetheart, Desmond. Together they get to play the roles of Mommy and Daddy to Micah, a gifted Math Wiz of a teenager who is always making people laugh, and Keilyn, a spunky, flower loving, dancing girl who will stop and talk to anyone she meets. She was born and raised in Baton Rouge and has Cajun blood running through her veins. She works full time outside of the home in business administration. She started the journey of motherhood young but wouldn’t have it any other way. Her children have taught her to laugh, play and that sometimes it’s ok not to have a plan! She has a passion for teenagers and is an active mentor in her church’s youth group. In her rare free time she enjoys shopping, coffee, and date nights with her husband. She believes that everyone has a story to tell and enjoys meeting new people, making people laugh, and spending time with friends and family.

I choose to LOVE you

I think we can all agree that being in a relationship is hard. In all relationships, whether with friends, our children, or our spouse, they take work. There is this odd assumption by society that...

Valentine’s Day :: I’m a Hater

It’s February! This means that, other than it being the middle of carnival season for us here in Louisiana (thank you Jesus for King Cake), it is also the time of year for Valentine's...

Follow up to Marie Kondo :: Don’t Buy More Stuff

I’m sure you all have heard of Marie Kondo by now. She’s written a couple of books and recently launched her Netflix original show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on January 1, 2019, that...

I Love Our Ordinary

Lately, I have been reflecting on how thankful I am for our everyday life. To some, you may think we lack adventure – there has never been a post on my social media about...

Injustice :: Say Something, Don’t Just Stand There

As children in school, we were taught to stand up for people who are bullied. If we see someone being mistreated, speak up, tell a teacher and DO SOMETHING. Why as adults, do we...