There really is nothing better after a long, hard day at work than coming home, carefully preparing a meal for your family and then having your children throw a tantrum about what is being served! Not my idea of fun! Trust me, there are MANY evenings that end this way at my home. While I cannot make promises, I can assure you that engaging your children in cooking tasks is a hands-on way to spark their interest in new and different foods while eventually giving you an extra hand in the kitchen. Involving your children in the kitchen also provides an excellent opportunity to address many academic and social skills, as well as, promote independence; all while getting your little ones out from under your feet while...

Parents Don’t Get Sick Days

Ah, cold and flu season. Boo you. The last week has been rough, and it’s been one of those times when reality hits and I think, Oh, wow, I’m responsible for another person, and he needs me whether I’m feeling 100% or not. It started when my baby got sick last weekend. We got to pay a Saturday morning visit to the pediatrician (every mom’s favorite thing to do), where my son was diagnosed with pink eye and a cold. Unfortunately, as we know, there’s not much you can do for a cold except ride it out, but the doctor did prescribe some lovely eye drops for the pinkeye. If you haven’t ever tried to put eye drops in the eyes...
Carnival time is here, which means parade season is upon us!  We've compiled a list of family-friendly parades in and around the Greater Baton Rouge area, so you don't miss a thing!  They are listed in order of appearance, beginning Friday, February 6th and running through Saturday, March 14th. Laissez les bons temps rouler! (And follow us on Facebook to keep up with other family-friendly events in the Baton Rouge area!) 1) Krewe of Artemis - Friday, February 6 :: 7PM, The Krewe of Artemis was founded in 2001 with the vision of bringing the Mardi Gras spirit and tradition to the Baton Rouge community with a female twist. The all-female Krewe made its parade debut in Baton Rouge in 2003 and has...

New Year, New Decade

This will be my 30th year on this beautiful place we call Earth! I would be lying if I didn't say that I've been having some mini mid-life crisis moments happening already (is a black sequin dress still an acceptable option?). The strange part is I have always felt 30 would be my YEAR! You know how there's a specific age that you've always just resonated with? 30 is it for me. Even when I was younger I would always think about "when I'm 30" with a sense of peace and excitement. There are a lot of things I've learned in 29 years. I can say that as I approach my 30th birthday, I'm happier with myself than I ever...
Something about the influx of new stuff at Christmas and the optimism of New Years' makes me want to get my house clean and organized every January. I feel even more desperate to declutter now that I have a child--sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in toys. A lot can change in a year with little ones and it seems like many of the toys I was making room for last January are now outgrown or forgotten. I'm excited to be doing some early spring cleaning by getting rid of all the clutter this month. Here are some tips if you're wanting to do the same: Let it go, let it go! We plan to have another child eventually, and for...

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Around Baton Rouge

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...