Scarves.  Goodness gracious I LOVE me some scarves! I remember wearing scarves about 8 years ago teaching junior high students who relentlessly made fun of these funny looking things around my neck.  And I remember telling those shiny little faces, "You don't know warmth until you know a good scarf!" Scarves are still used for warmth, but now are a huge fashion piece!  My scarf hoarding reached its peak last Christmas.  It was a bundle of colors and fabrics and fringe all rolled into a big MESS!!  I set out looking for a way to help me organize these scarves so that I could see them displayed in all their glory.  If you are like me and are tired of rummaging...
Having fitness as part of my lifestyle has enriched my life in so many ways. It has allowed me to learn something new about myself in nearly every stage of life. As I look back I almost always had a fitness goal in mind, which helped to keep me focused and develop my skills and strength. The Season of Life as a mom with young children can be demanding and may make us feel like we don't have time to give back to ourselves. Unfortunately, as moms, we do not have coaches requiring us to show up to practice at certain times each week to work towards our goals. We actually have little coaches that demand our full attention...

New Year, New Mom

Ahhhh the new year!  Theres so much to look forward to...a whole brand spankin' new year to make yours.  Most look forward to the fresh start January 1st brings in, and I'll go ahead and put it out there, who doesn't?!?!  The thought of a fresh start, getting healthy, spending less can be quite exciting for anyone!  While I too love starting off my new year eating cleaner and getting in a few more walks around the block, there's quite a bit more I look forward to as my family rings in the new year. I find that my goals for any new year are heavily influenced by the three or four months preceding January 1st.  Every year, September all...

A Little Bit of Perspective

I'm exhausted. Most of the time. I don't mind too much--its to be expected as a (new) parent. And, we have so much fun with Sam. We love being parents. Lately though, I've been struggling with exhaustion a little more. Maybe because Sam is in a clingy phase and is speed crawling everywhere. Things I usually enjoy doing have been really difficult. I love cooking. I love finding new recipes to try. I even love weekly menu planning. But lately I can't seem to muster up enough energy to get my creative juices flowing. I stare blankly at the calendar and the grocery list. Once I somehow carve out a plan and one of us goes shopping, but I...
The holidays are here, which means time for family, friends, and unfortunately, cold and flu season. As a mom, I know how unpleasant winter time ailments can be, both for the child and the mom. Here are a couple common questions I get from moms all the time:  “How long is my child contagious?" and "How can I prevent them from getting sick?” The answer isn’t always clear cut, but below are a few guidelines as to when you may need to postpone your holiday play date.  Your child can instead focus on sharing toys and not germs. The Flu Influenza is a common nuisance this time of year. If your child is diagnosed with the flu, he can easily spread it to others....

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Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!)

Shop and Save :: Second Hand September (or Any Month!) If you're like me, your focus is all over the place you're in charge of...