I was really in no hurry to move my son out of the crib. I liked knowing that he was safe and secure and planned to keep him there as long as I could. As he got closer to two, though, he became more and more interested in climbing and after seeing him put his foot on top of the crib rail a few times, I started to think about transitioning him. I was nervous that I'd come in after naptime to find him playing on the floor one day, or that I'd hear a thump followed by wailing instead! Every kid is different and there’s no magic age to move them out of the crib–you just have to use your judgement...
  This series is brought to you by Indie Plate, Fresh.Groceries.Delivered.  Here at Red Stick Moms Blog, we know how important it is to get healthy and delicious meals to our families, but we also know how difficult and time-consuming it can be as well.  We are so excited to bring you this sponsored series by Indie Plate, a company that truly “gets it” when it comes to getting healthy and delicious foods to your door with just the click of a button! We hope you enjoy this week’s recipe! Baked Penne Casserole   We're featuring a casserole recipe this week that allows a busy mom to cook a gourmet meal in bulk, without much chopping prepping or cleaning, and the meal can then...
I must admit that I am not a huge fan of the chalkboard craze.  As a photographer, I see it EVERYWHERE and the "I'd rather be a leader over a follower" in me was completely withdrawn from the idea.  When we started our outdoor living project a few months ago, a move of the swing set to the corner of our newly fenced in yard was all it took.  That move had created the perfect little nook for the boys and I had SO many plans for their sweet little play area, their own corner of the yard overflowing with outside fun just for them and this chalkboard was on the top of my list!  After a quick trip to...
I am a dancer.  Maybe not a very good one, but I'm a passionate one for sure.  There are very few things that I love more than dancing my heart out. Throughout my entire childhood (and most of my adulthood so far), I have spent hours upon hours dancing alone in my house.  Give me an hour and some hip hop music, and I can burn 1,000 calories, no problem.  Add an audience on top of that, and, well, basically all of my dreams have come true. My boys are my most hilarious dance partners.  I can turn on any song, shout "DANCE PARTY!!!" and they will stop whatever they are doing and come running.  We do this daily, and it has...
By trade, I'm a teacher. But my real job is "momma" to three amazing, stinky boys. I absolutely love teaching, but by the time May rolls around I'm craving those long, lazy summer days that I so look forward to every year. I find as my children get older these long, lazy summer days aren't so long or lazy anymore.  What is the deal? What is going on? Why? By June 1st I am quickly reminded about 8 definite things with my kids on summer break every year...... 1.  My grocery bill doubles. Okay, scratch that...TRIPLES. My three little guys don't look like they eat a lot, but obviously my grocery bill and the look on the familiar cashier's face at Winn Dixie tells...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...