As a Speech and Language Pathologist, I am writing this series in hopes to address concerns when it comes to your child’s speech and what to expect if you feel like your child might not be reaching their milestones. If you are just joining us, be sure to start with Part 1 right here.
In the previous post, we covered those unforgettable first twelve months of speech and language development. Now, faster than you can imagine, that little bundle has been growing and learning for an entire year! While you are adjusting to having a ONE year old, your baby is exploring the world around them...running, climbing and playing with new toys and books. Just imagine all the wonderful langugae oppurtunities available to you and your child....
Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared in the full-length mirror. It was one week following the birth of my first child and I did not recognize the body staring back at me. What happened? It was like my beautiful baby bump was now a deflated balloon of excess skin. I did my best to talk myself off the critical voice cliff,
“Look at what your body has been through.”
“You gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy.”
“It is going to take time for your body to get back to normal.”
“What a load of crap,” I thought to myself as I continued to stare at the body before me. How do those women get those ‘pre-baby bodies’ back...
In my last post, I talked a little bit on how we can't compare our lives with those of images on Instagram (or any social media outlet) because what we're seeing isn't total reality. Its hard to be inundated with daily glimpses of sleeping babies, craftastic toddlers, organic meals, or spotless houses and not think, "What am I doing wrong?"
I’m definitely not saying that we shouldn't capture and post those adorable pictures or sweet moments that happen. Not at all! Because that IS real life as well–and I love seeing them! I just know that I personally have started to think more of how to balance what I am portraying through my feed by asking myself the following questions:
As I've mentioned before, I was late to the iPhone party. Not even fashionably late--more like "did your invitation get lost in the mail?" late. Logging onto my Instagram for the first time last year got me so excited. I love blogging, taking pictures, and sharing them with my friends--plus who doesn't love the gratification of people "hearting" or "double-tapping" my photos, which are just extensions of me, right?
After a few months, without realizing, I began seeking out scenes that I could post instead of just living my life as usual. In building up my Instagram feed, I wanted to be able to look back and see my life through the eyes of what others see. Which I hoped...
Do you know how to perform CPR on your infant or child? You should! If something went wrong, the time between when you dialed 911 and when EMS arrives is a critical window. Those three to five minutes are the difference between life and death. Bystander CPR can double and even triple a victim’s chance for survival.
That is why Red Stick Moms Blog, The American Heart Association, Ochsner Health System and Bayou Time Sitters are ready to help you learn those lifesaving skills.
Join us for Coffee, Conversations & CPR Class on Monday, June 2 as we celebrate National CPR Awareness Week.
This “mom friendly” class will teach infant and child CPR and provide free childcare (to a limited number of...