Decisions. Decisions.

I am the worst about making decisions, especially when my decisions directly affect my family. What's for dinner? Dessert? Decision overload. Do I want peanut butter balls or pecan pie? Ah! Both. No, seriously I always have both. That brings me to today. Do I stop breast feeding or not? Making the decision to breast feed and work was something I knew would have a limited time frame. Working and pumping are not always ideal, so I set a goal for myself: Make it to Christmas. I reached that goal with flying colors and a happy baby to boot (even through RSV and her first major growth spurt). Then... month four. My perfect little sleeper let everyone know she was working on...
Disclosure: We were compensated for this post but all opinions are my own. Luxury Pasta is a local company that we love, and just by voting for MY kitchen shortcut, you have the chance to win $100! Saving time in the kitchen is one of my favorite things to do.  I love to provide healthy meals for my family, so any shortcuts I can find to prep and cook quickly and easily definitely catch my attention.  When Luxury Pasta approached me to try their new kitchen shortcut, Pot-Sized Pasta, I was intrigued right away. All those years of breaking noodles to fit in pots and trying to find a way to store those long, awkward boxes of spaghetti are over! Luxury...
The word ‘doula’ is Greek for “woman servant or caregiver."  These days, the term doula refers to a woman who provides support for mothers during pregnancy and childbirth.  My favorite definition for doula is that of the protector of the birth space.  Simply put, doulas love birth and trust that it is a normal, natural and instinctive process that should be honored and respected. Doulas are hired by expecting parents to help create a positive birth experience and make sure their wishes are honored.  Studies have shown that having a doula present can reduce the length of your labor and reduce the need for medical interventions. What kind of training does a doula have? There are several organizations that provide training...
This has been a topic of much debate in my house recently. I am burning up with baby fever despite the fact that 18-month-old Jack still keeps me very much on my toes. I remember the first time that someone with a child about the same age as ours announced a new pregnancy, I was filled with panic on her behalf. No WAY could I imagine adding a new baby to the mix already. But my own mom had my sister when I was only 13 months old and somehow we all survived. Lately, I've been thinking that maybe a new baby wouldn't be so terrifying after all. Assuming that you're able to make the decision intentionally and not...
Homeschooling. I just lost about half of the readers with this one word, but I'm here to clear the air about a few things: A) I am not more awesome than the "average" mom. B) My kids are not better behaved than the "average" kid. C) I am not more financially stable than the "average" family. D) I have not always wanted to homeschool my children and am attempting to fulfill some lifelong dream. Homeschooling comes shrouded in myths and misconceptions. The greatest misconception I want to bring to light is this: There are a "select few" moms who are more patient, more loving, more creative, whose kids listen better, who have fat bank accounts and have no need to...

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