Simple, fast, easy: that is what so many moms strive for on a daily basis. Whether it's diaper changes or dinner arrangements, we just want to get the "chores" done quickly so there is time for the fun and joy of LIFE! The last time we introduced you to Indie Plate, the new online grocery store and delivery service for the Baton Rouge area, it was clear that their goal was to make life simpler in the grocery department.  When they asked us to try out their service to plan and cater our next contributor meeting, we were all for giving it a try. Could a dinner party be simplified when it comes to feeding 10+ people?? We...
When I started gardening last year, I was a complete beginner with no clue where it would take me. My initial goals were to keep at least one veggie plant alive all summer, and maybe even enjoy eating at least 1-2 of the veggies themselves, if I could manage to grow any at all. I wanted to enjoy the process and use it as a learning experience for myself, but mostly garden as a side hobby just for me. Well, as moms we know we can’t even pee alone, so it was silly of me to think I’d be gardening alone. My two year olds quickly invited themselves in on the fun. This year, I’m excited to start up...

Caring for New Moms

When I entered the world of motherhood in April 2012, I felt like friends and family came out of the woodwork and I remember feeling so taken care of.  Friends gave selflessly and family consistently cleaned my house (thank you Mom!!) when I couldn't. As more of my friends became moms, I realized just how rare my experience was, so I wanted to share some new and old ideas that I learned in how we can help care for those new moms out there, who may not have their support system nearby. 1. The biggest help we received was the fact that we didn't have to cook for 6 weeks after we had Judah because our friends used this fabulous...

Four-Legged Family

Growing up, my family always had at least one dog.  So when I bought my first home in 2009, it didn’t take much convincing when my then boyfriend (now husband) told me that his chocolate lab needed a friend.  All I knew was that I didn’t want a puppy, so I started scouring  I came across a picture of D3, a  1.5 year old Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix at a shelter about 30 minutes from my house.  A few emails later I learned that he was a sweet dog, loved to be outside, and was very smart.  He had figured out how to sneak under the gate that kept him in his kennel. They couldn’t figure out how...
Infertility :: Tell Your Story First of all, I just want to say thank you to the many of you who have responded to the posts this week. I have received emails, texts, Facebook messages, etc., and the feedback and response has been overwhelming. It is so great to know that there is a huge community of support out there. Here here for more of my story, how to cope with infertility or learn how to be a supportive friend. I know first hand what so many of you are going through.  Looking back at my journey, I realize that my infertility story was extremely, mercifully short compared to what many of you are currently experiencing. But the ache and hurt...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...