Filling Up Your Mommy Cup

Do you ever have those moments where you are weak, tired, and at the end of your rope? You just need that little boost to get you through the day? A few days ago, the girls and I were finishing up our last few errands on a very busy day. I was completely exhausted and dreaming about a nap! Emmeline was on day 5 of sleepless nights, Ava was bouncing off the walls, and Daniel had barely been home between working 2 jobs and going to school. While we were heading home, three devastating realizations occurred to me. 1. Emmeline was asleep in her car seat so she would likely not nap once we got home. 2. It was later...
The Mommy Foodie Fair is just a few, short weeks away on Tuesday, May 6th at 6:30pm!! Have you invited a friend and purchased your tickets?! No, well, we are here to do a little convincing as to WHY you won't want to miss this AWESOME event!  TOP 10 REASONS 10. This is the FIRST event of its kind right here in Baton Rouge and one of the first events Dishcrawl BR will be co-hosting! 9. This is a Mom's Night Out for 16 sister sites, which means moms all across the country will be hanging out, eating awesome food, and taking home great SWAG. 8. Support local food and small businesses from our Baton Rouge community as they come and share their...
After taking my oldest son to Disney at 2.5 while 6 months preggo with our youngest, we knew we’d eventually want to return as a family of 4 someday.  Once the stars aligned and the timing seemed right, we were ready to begin planning our first trip!  Only this time, we were on our own.  Our extended family has always been pretty big fans of Disney, so we’ve always tagged along for the ride while bypassing most of the planning process in previous trips.  This time was different, we were starting from scratch now paying, planning & preparing for it ourselves.  Gulp. Knowing we had a limited budget for this trip, I began scouring the internet for deals, tips &...
I hear it all the time, whether it's at birthday parties, restaurants, or just hanging out with friends: "But, mommy!  I don't like that!"  Dealing with picky eaters is an uphill battle, but encouraging their pickiness is not a good idea.  I simply want your child to eat.  However, as a junior high teacher, I took my students on MANY field trips, and I ALWAYS had to deal with students who would only eat one or two foods.  And their parents always supported them.  "My son only eats pizza and french fries," or "My daughter will only eat chicken sandwiches."  Parents, trust me.  You don't want to be fighting this battle until the day your children move out.  Here are...
We LOVE that it is finally spring! After this long, cold winter, I know we are all ready for the brighter colors, warmer weather, and beautiful blooms.  While we are all celebrating the new season, the Red Stick Moms Blog team is also celebrating something new: 2,000 likes on our Facebook page! We couldn't think of a better way to show all of YOU some love by putting on a fun, little photo contest with a prize package worthy of the spring season! We will be running our first Cutest Easter & Spring Photo Contest on our Facebook page for ONE week, giving all of you the chance to vote for your favorite! Whether your little one is smocked and...

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Around Baton Rouge

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...