Moments Every Mom of Multiples Will Understand In honor of all of our readers who are moms of multiples, I compiled some very familiar moments that don't easily let us forget these challenges and joys in raising our twins, triplets, or higher order multiples. Here are moments every mom of multiples will understand :: 1. When you pull up next to the double grocery buggy in the parking lot of a grocery store: …your day is totally made! 2. When there is only one high chair at a restaurant (or only one crib at a hotel, etc.): So y’all only allow one child in this establishment at a time? Does the other baby need to wait in the car? 3. When people preach to you about the...
So you've faced the big question in Part 1, you've faced all of the emotions in Part 2 , and you've decided to stay at home! Congratulations! You have joined in with a group of awesome women who love their families, who are hard-working, who are not afraid of challenges! Life from here on out will never be the same! But, how do you actually make it happen? Being a stay at home mom will be easy right? No planning required, it will just all come naturally and flow smoothly, won't it? If it does, then I need YOU to be the one writing this post instead of me (and to email me all your secrets)! I truly don't believe there is a...
So you've faced the big question, you've faced all of the emotions , you've decided to work! Congratulations! You have joined in with a group of awesome women who love their families, who are hard-working, who are not afraid of challenges! Life from here on out will never be the same! But, how do you actually make it happen? Childcare. The absolute number one necessity for every working mother hands down. This is not a decision to make on a whim or in a hurry. Research, talk to your local mommy friends, and go with your gut. Always go with your gut. If something feels bad, walk away. The one aspect of childcare that may be hard to say/hear, but needs to...
So we've talked about the big "question" in Part 1. But more than priorities and finances, what about our emotions? I feel like this aspect gets ignored in most discussions about working because we're too busy fighting about which is better and which is worse and where the "super mom" lies in the mix. But let's set aside the competition and be honest. Any decision is going to be a tough one. Any decision is going to have its challenges. Any decision is going to have opposition. So what is the decision that we want to make? This past week I had to work a 50hr week at a job I absolutely love for a company that I adore. It was way...
Most see me as a stay at home mom (and I identify more with that "label"), but I have actually worked on and off since my first was born. I'm involved in a lot of work with the community, I homeschool, I blog, I've held both full-time and part-time positions occasionally. I work, a LOT, even if at times it is more of a "volunteer" position. I don't know of any SAHM who feels they don't actually have a job. They do real work. But I also know the struggles that come along with being a working mom and the fear that comes along with becoming a SAHM. When I was pregnant with #1, I held a wonderful salaried position...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...