I don't know about you but I still vividly remember my senior year of high school. I remember wanting it to FLY by so that I could get into the "real world" and work, earn money and do what I wanted to do with it. There were many times I was ready to feel like an adult and be treated like one but also, tender moments where I just wanted someone to take care of me and make ALL my decisions for me. As I type this I realize, as a 34-year-old woman, I STILL want that some days. As I have raised my children and my oldest is now a senior in high school, I am trying to navigate...
We have all said it, time FLIES, and something about having kids makes time move 1,000 times faster. Before we know it, our kids are looking at high schools then colleges. As a first-time senior parent, I truly believe nothing prepares you for this. There are a lot more questions than I have answers but things that have helped us is knowing that we have done what we can do to prepare our son for the real world. My son will graduate in May from HIGH SCHOOL ... I will have raised a whole human who can vote and go to college all out on his own. For me, "success" in this area is independence. What can my son do...
In my mind, by the time my son got to his SENIOR year in high school, I would feel like a professional parent, right? By now, we have survived the newborn phase, toddlerhood, middle-aged weirdness, AND even pre-teen and teen drama. Although we have experienced a lot together over the years, this year has a lot of new - final athletic seasons, graduation, and college applications to name a few. As this year begins, in my gut I am excited. Excited to see my son grow and bloom into the young adult he is turning into. Excited to see him conquer his hard classes and a fun athletic season. Excited for the rest of our family to gather around and...
High school ... it can be the best of times and it can be the worst of times. I entered the era of parenting a high school student last year, and below are a few practical tips to help ease the transition for both you and your budding freshman. 1. You are Not the Student While this one seems blatantly obvious, it is something I had to remind myself of over and over throughout the school year. All parents have hopes, dreams and aspirations for their child. However, high school is the time where teenagers come into their own skin. Inevitably their desires will not align with yours during the journey. Insisting your child continue to pursue a class / sport...
It’s Back to School Time I always feel a little anxiety as school begins for the fall. My oldest starts first grade!! He was just a baby. A new teacher, a new grade, and so many hopes and dreams. Will the teacher like my son? Will my son like his teacher? Will he enjoy his classes? Am I prepared for the fall? Is my son ready to go? I always have to sit down and make a checklist. I’ll share my list with you. School Uniforms: How many do I have? Do I have enough for the fall and winter? (There will be spaghetti day.) What’s the jacket situation like? Do we need new shoes and a new book bag?...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...