Ages & Stages

children of different ages and stagesIs your child reaching a milestone, entering a new stage, or facing new challenges? Look no further! At Red Stick Mom, we understand the importance of providing parents with reliable and insightful resources for all of the unique ages and stages of their child’s life. Whether you have a newborn, a curious toddler, or a teenager navigating adolescence, our comprehensive collection of articles covers a wide range of topics and offers valuable guidance to support you through all the ages and stages of your parenting journey.

From tips on developmental milestones to advice on potty training, sleep training, and heading back to school, our contributor team of local Baton Rouge moms provides a wealth of information to help you navigate the joys and challenges that come with each age and stage. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to nurture and guide your child’s growth and development, ensuring they thrive in every aspect of their lives.

At Red Stick Mom you can stay informed about age-appropriate activities, educational resources, healthcare, and much more. We believe that by staying connected and supported throughout your child’s journey, you can embrace every moment and make the most of their formative years. Explore our collection of articles tailored to meet the specific needs and interests of your child’s age and stage.

The Anxiety of Motherhood

Right after my daughter was born, I remember staring into her face, and feeling so mortal. Prior to becoming a mom, I was the most carefree person. I was the person that loaded her car down at 19 years old, and drove half way across the country to California to live there for a few months. I never knew fear. I never once worried about things like terrorism (even though it was a reality in our generation), natural disasters, car safety regulations, GMOs, or fever over 101. If you're not naturally disposed to anxiety, the shock of motherhood hits you like a 15-ton truck. The enormity of the task we've been given can seem overwhelming. I'm not just speaking of the...
My oldest starts kindergarten in just a few weeks. I’ve started thinking things like, “But the time goes so fast!”, “I can’t believe she’s so big!” and “But she was JUST a baby!” It’s a predictable refrain with each milestone we encounter. I think I’m having typical and appropriate feelings about my child starting school. Mostly. You know, except for the palpable sense of dread I have about it all. My husband and I were married for a while (7 years) before we had our first child. We weren’t completely naïve, in that we knew our lives would change (in part, for the better) and that we’d be giving up the freedom to do just about anything on a moment’s...
It started with a crash and a shrill cry early Sunday morning. My husband flew out of our room and into my son’s nursery and confirmed what he suspected: 18-month-old William had climbed out of the crib and crash-landed. I rushed in after him and scooped up my sweet boy who was crying hard and looking totally shell-shocked. I could already see a big bump forming on his forehead. He soon calmed down, but after some hemming and hawing, we decided to take him to Urgent Care that day to make sure he didn’t have a concussion and because one of his arms seemed to be bothering him. The doctor on duty saw no signs of concussion and thought his...
In the wide world of parenting topics I don't consider myself to be an "expert" (using the term very loosely) at much, but breastfeeding/pumping/working, well I've pretty much mastered! Having nursed my daughter for a little over a year, mostly while working almost full-time, and now doing the same with my son, I've developed my own list of essential items that every pumping momma needs when away from baby. A great, electric double breast pump. Yea, they are costly but at a price tag cheaper than formula it's worth every penny. Great news, many health insurance plans are now covering the cost of breast pumps! Your pump will be your best friend for many months, and when you are finally...
Parenting is such an emotional roller coaster. We have our good days and our bad days around here, as I'm sure every family does. But do you ever have a season that is just plain tough? We're in that one. That season where our family has a lot of transition happening, and our schedules are too busy, and our little girl just turned 2. I don't know that I believed what people said about two-year-olds. I think that part of me believed that it wouldn't happen to us, that we wouldn't have the Terrible Twos, and would skip right past the Threenager stage. Oh, dreams, you betray me! Now, my little girl is very sweet and polite, she loves hard and expresses...

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Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer

Mardi Gras From the Perspective of a Krewe Dancer It's that time of year we have been working towards all year long. Preparing three to...