How to be a respectful parent without losing your sh*t? Well, I don’t have the answer to that, but read on if you would like to get a little closer to the answer. First, I’ll open with this TikTok gold that a lot of us can relate to: Second, I’m going to explain the difference between respectful parenting and permissive parenting. Respectful parenting gets a bad rep because it is often confused with permissive parenting. Respectful parenting is treating your child as a human being and connecting with them. After all, you wouldn’t yell at or hit your other family members, co-workers, or friends. It is important to note that it does not entail not disciplining your child. Permissive parenting, on...
I took a snapshot of my kids this morning. I intend to keep it close by, so it can serve as a benchmark. We have reached a turning point in our family. We have finally arrived at the point in life that most parents of small kids look to with anticipation for what feels like forever. Diapers have all been thrown away. Bottoms are being independently wiped. Mouths are being fed by utensils independently held the correct way (Well, mostly). As parents, we spend so many years training our children up to get to this point. Every time my kid runs her own bathwater, ties his own shoes, or fixes his own bowl of cereal, I almost want to run around the house with...
Yes, this is a post about bubbles, the often demanded, universally loved by toddlers, almost guaranteed to be spilled, bottle of soapy water with a wand. I have a newfound appreciation for bubbles and what they can bring to your life. Fun for Toddler Ah bubbles, this is often a go-to outside time activity for my toddler. If we’re outside for any length of time there are demands for “bubbles!” As a toddler with an ever-growing independent streak, he wants to “do it myself!” It is a way for him to have some control in his life and to exert his independence. There are demands to hold the bottle, he sometimes tries to eat the wand and, yes, drink the bubbles....
I am currently studying to become Personal Trainer certified with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, but before I started studying recently, my weight loss and fitness journey started way before. Late 2014 is when I decided I just could not be the size I was anymore. Everyone always asks me what made me decide to lose weight. I was working three jobs and was rushing out the door one morning. I went to put on my shoes and could not breathe when I leaned over to tie my shoes. As crazy as it sounds, that is how it happened for me. I could not live like that anymore. I started at 230 pounds, and currently am at 141 pounds at...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Baton Rouge General.  Dry Drowning: What to Look For in Children School’s out, pool’s in! But, with this time of year comes that nagging concern about water safety. You may start to see viral stories resurface on social media or news outlets reportcases of “dry drowning,” triggering fear among parents that one accidental gulp at the pool could be fatal days later. It’s a parent’s worst nightmare, and one that’s easily relatable. How many times has one of your kids taken in some water while swimming? It’s pretty common! Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-4 and ages 10-14 years. While most infant drownings occur in bathtubs, most childhood...

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