4 Candy-Free Valentine Treats

It seems as though Valentine's Day just wouldn't be Valentine's Day without conversation heart candies, boxes of chocolate, and foil wrapped sweets; but seeing as we are still nibbling through the bucket of Halloween candy at our house, I thought I would explore some candy-free treat options this holiday. Good news: they're just as festive as any sugary treat on the market! Bonus: these alternatives won't leave out children with certain dietary restrictions or allergies. 1. Festive Pencils ...Or any other red/pink/hearts-clad trinket found in the dollar section. Attach a valentine-y pun, and you're good to go! 2. Play-doh A small tub of play-doh in a pretty treat baggie is great for a pre-school class. Add a heart-shaped cookie cutter for extra cute fun! 3. Bookmarks For this super thrifty option,...

Couch Adventures

These cold and rainy days are seemingly endless. If your little one is like mine, then you have untamable energy resulting in broken Christmas presents and an aggravated mommy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a lazy-to-the-core person who calls a cold or rainy day paired with a hot bowl of soupy goodness and a good book a win. However, this is not what my two year old deems fun or entertaining.  In an effort to either kick your lazy butts off the couch or get your rambunctious littles on it, here are six couch adventures that will have the whole family laughing, playing, and making memories on those cooped up winter days. 1. Couch Fort – Build a fort out...
Several years ago I heard an opinion piece on the radio during the holiday season that bugged me. The premise was that sending out Christmas cards diminishes the spirit of the season. Particularly Christmas cards. A card with a photo of your tanned family at the beach last summer? No, thank you. A Christmas greeting with lovey doveys from newlyweds slathered on for all to see? Lord, help us. And End Scene from Ebenezer. Enter this Mama, stage right, envelopes in hand. Although I admit I always think of this story I heard so many years ago during this season (good job, Mr. Newsman who hates fun), I do not agree. Like at all. I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS.CARDS! Call it an obsession....

Homemade for the Holidays

I REALLY love to craft. However, as a homeschooling single mom to 3 kids I have very little time. (Don't we all?) This year, I have hatched a plan to get my 5, 4, and 2 year olds into the crafting spirit! Plus, who doesn't have wonderful memories of those homemade ornaments you made when you were that age? I'm pretty sure my mom still has some popsicle stick angels in a box. This year I want to spend the holidays with my kids in the moment. Last year was my first Christmas as a single mom, and I did not even put up a tree; but this year is going to be a wonderful homemade Christmas packed with memories! Pinterest it up! We...

Project Pinterest

This post is part of our special, Red Stick Moms Blog CONNECTS series, where we focus on connecting with our kids, family and friends, and community during the holiday season. One of my family values is "neighbors not strangers." What does that mean and how does that look? Like this... Often times you see your neighbors and give them the friendly wave or nod and smile. Why not make it really awkward and walk up to them and actually say, "Hello!" Not as easy as it sounds... believe me. I mean, I'm no Betty Crocker in the kitchen which narrows the chance of me taking them a shady, tin-covered, casserole dish with random directions. However, I do enjoy crafting and all things...

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Around Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge

Where to Find the Best King Cakes in Baton Rouge Are you a huge fan of those cinnamon-flavored dough rounds covered in sweet green, gold,...