It's no secret to anyone that knows me, I love a good deal! Spend the night at a new Chick fil a for a year of free chicken? Done! Stand in line at a new Zaxby's for a year of freebies? Done! Scan the barcode for a $10 off coupon? Done! So seven years ago, my husband and I had been married for four years. We were working our tails off to be rid of debt. One day my sister-in-law came to work talking about making her own laundry detergent and how awesome it was and how little it cost her. Immediately I was intrigued, but I felt intimidated to try on my own. A few months passed, I...
Valentine's Day is almost here, and there is some counting down going on over here. I am not so much on receiving Valentine's Day gifts: flowers, chocolates, and cards. Don't get me wrong here. I do love my chocolate and flowers, but Valentine's Day is so much fun when celebrating it with my kids. This Valentine's Day Foaming Hearts Activity is the perfect addition to our Valentine's Day festivities.
I try to make a day out of this holiday. Yes, I am cheesy with pink heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast and all.
All About Those Hearts
Valentine's Day cannot be celebrated without some sort of heart shape included. This activity is one that shouldn't be ignored. It only takes 3 simple ingredients and...
I can't believe Thanksgiving is already here. This year has gone by too fast! My kids have already gone through the Toys R Us magazine circling what they want for Christmas, which is EVERYTHING. If you are looking for a fun and easy Thanksgiving craft to do with your kids that incorporates the meaning of being thankful, this thankful turkey craft is perfect.
Items Needed
I was able to find all the items I needed at Walmart for under $5. Any craft under $5 is always a win in my book. I grabbed felt sheets in 5 different colors, 1 sheet of brown foam paper, and adhesive googly eyes. I already had a sharpie/markers, scissors and glue at home.
Steps to the...
I am a girl who loves a good planner. Every year, I scope out the new / best / hottest layouts and chose my planner for the year. If I am being completely honest with myself, in August I check out the school planners, even though at this point, I am pretty removed from the student role. I also had a notebook for our finances, a journal for my Bible Study, and a notebook / to do list / grocery list. Try as I might, I never ever found a planner that would fit my sometimes strange / hectic life all in one.
Simple Bullet Journal Spreads
Until I found out exactly what a bullet journal is. You see I did...
First of all, it's not over. The kitchen renovation isn't yet done, so the jury is out on whether or not I will actually survive.
A little over two months ago, with the help of a dozen friends, I demoed out the entire kitchen. All of the flooring and cabinets and part of one wall. I literally ... voluntarily ... put my entire kitchen out on my curb. Then the panic sank in. WHAT. HAVE. I. DONE.
Well, roughly 65 days later, I have gained about 8 pounds, inhaled more dust and paint fumes than I care to mention, and have spent almost as much money eating out as I have on cabinets. Ok, ok, that might be a slight exaggeration....